A new traffic management plan has been introduced. The changes are required because of significant refurbishment work at the Joseph Black Building – in particular the erection of scaffolding which will require the closure of the road from Science Way down to Joseph Black Chemistry Gate Exit.‌

In addition, the Mail Room is being relocated from the Boyd Orr Building to the Isabella Elder Building on University Place beside Botany Gate. These specific changes are part of an ongoing review of traffic movement across the main campus and do not necessarily constitute the final version of the review.

The current changes focus on the health and safety of road users in this area – in particular pedestrians. Students and staff are urged to be particularly vigilant - car drivers should not park in any of the hatched areas as this is likely to lead to the removal of their vehicles.

Key changes

Joseph Black Building areaJBB road closure

  • The road between JBB and the Officer Training Corps building is closed to vehicles – pedestrian access only
  • The route leading from University Place along the side of the OTC building – Chemistry Way - will be for access to the OTC and Robertson Construction only; a barrier will be in operation.
  • Science Way North will remain a two-way route but will have to operate more efficiently. Blue Badge areas have been relocated from outside the Bower Building to the parking area between the side of the Bower and Kelvin buildings. 
  • Vehicles using the Estates and Commercial Services Yard at the Isabella Elder Building will continue to do so, but must exit via the current entrance i.e. turn round inside the yard and come out the same way they came in.
  • On-street car parking on Science Way has been restricted to create the width for a safe and efficient two-way service access and to accommodate safe passage for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Service vehicles are required to use the gate at Dumbarton Road or the Pearce Lodge gate to exit the campus.

Clear signage and road markings have been set up to indicate the changes. Drivers and pedestrians are asked to pay particular attention to them.

Mail Room relocation

The central Mail Room on the Gilmorehill campus has been relocated from the basement level of the Boyd Orr Building in University Avenue to the Isabella Elder Building on University Place; the new location became operational on February 26, 2018.

The postcode and telephone numbers remain the same - G12 8QQ Tel: (0141) 330 2804. This move is required as part of the campus development programme. The previou Mail Room in Boyd Orr has had to be vacated to allow the University’s main contractor, Multiplex, access as part of the Learning and Teaching Hub project. 

The new central Mail Room has been relocated to the Isabella Elder building on University Place, which is down from Botany Gate and next to the Officer Training Corps (OTC) Building. All future deliveries should be to the main door just down from Botany Gate on University Place. Anyone who needs to collect mail should also use this door and, once inside, should go down the steps on the left- hand side of the corridor, turn right and then find the hatch on the right-hand side. Guidance on standard operating procedures has been issued to the drivers of all vehicles operating around the Mail Room: this makes clear that pedestrians and cyclists have right of way at all times.

Mail Room opening hours remain the same: 8.00am to 4.30pm (Monday to Friday). Contact and e-mail enquiries should go to Mr David Riggans, Mail Room Manager, e-mail : David.Riggans@glasgow.ac.uk, ext 5487/2804.

 Traffic management map


First published: 19 February 2018