Our time lapse cameras capture the birth of the new home for the School of Mathematics and Statistics...

Image of a still from the time lapse video of the new home for the School of Mathematics and Statistics being constructed.

...and watch how the dreaded 'muncher' took down the former home of the Maths and Stats School to prepare the ground for the new, £90.8m Learning and Teaching Hub.

Construction work started at the end of October 2017 with the new building due to open for the start of the academic year in 2019.

It will provide additional teaching space and allow for more flexible pedagogical models, facilitated by international experts in learning space design. It will also offer additional student study space as the Library has reached capacity. Staff and students will be closely involved in space design to make this a cutting-edge learning and teaching experience.

The formal teaching spaces will have a capacity for 500 students but can be split in two – 250:250. Interactive teaching spaces will range in capacity from 340 – 75 students, while the hub will also accommodate a number of seminar/group study spaces. It will also incorporate a café.

Image of a still from a time lapse video of the former Mathematics and Statistics building at Gilmorehill being demolished.

First published: 27 February 2018