Every 11 minutes, someone is stopped for speeding in Scotland. Figures show 96% of accidents involving pedestrians happen in built-up areas, with most casualties occurring between 4-6pm on weekdays and between 1-3pm at weekends.

With two-thirds of people walking as a method of transport at least once a week* and cycling on the rise, these figures highlight how important it is for road users to take greater care and consideration when travelling in built-up areas.

The Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland (part of Transport Scotland) have launched their latest campaign aimed at all road users in Scotland - drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, who regularly undertake journeys in built-up areas – to create a sense of shared responsibility to make Scotland’s roads safer.

The campaign will clearly communicate and reinforce the importance of slowing down, whether you’re a cyclist, a pedestrian or a driver.

First published: 27 February 2018