Dr Nicki Whitehouse has just published a new paper in Quaternary Science Reviews on the historical legacies of river systems, using a case study from the River Culm in Devon, England, and the persistence until the current day for a river system with high heterogeneity and biodiversity, due to the effects of previous channel history.  The paper reveals why this river survived in a multichannel state, and by implication, why others did not.  These results are being used in the bespoke eco-heritage management of the Culm, but could also inform the restoration of other former multi-channel lowland temperate river systems worldwide.

The work was funded by the NERC and was done when Dr Whitehouse was a postdoctoral researcher on the project; the work was led by Prof Tony Brown, the lead author of the article. Dr Whitehouse undertook the geomorphological mapping, aspects of geoarchaeology and fossil insect analysis.

Read the paper here

River Wetlands; source: Project Wildscape


First published: 26 April 2021

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