Haiku/Senryu Poetry Competition

Calling all students and staff, all poets and non-poets from the University of Glasgow!

Are you a student who often has an unstable connection when a Zoom class is about to start? Are you a lecturer who has forgotten to record your lecture? Are you an administrator who misses your work computer? Are Zoom meetings/lectures draining your energy? 

All students and staff of the University of Glasgow are invited to submit contemporary Haiku/Senryu on COVID-19 by Friday 16 April 2021. (There are cash prizes for the student authors.)

What is Haiku/Senryu?

Haiku is a traditional Japanese unrhymed poem, written in a 5/7/5 meter, which often focuses on images from nature. Senryu (also in 5/7/5), by contrast, usually refers to human nature or emotions, often with a sense of humour. 

Examples of Senryu by Japanese university students about online teaching:

Hard to connect both internet and people

Not enough money, conversation or sunshine

Remote learning-All I’ve really gained is fat

For every class an assignment frankly impossible

Normality is actually priceless

Theme: COVID-19 and remote study/teaching/working

Awards: There will be four awards for each of the two categories: students and staff. Thanks to the generous donation from the Japan Alumni Association of the University of Glasgow, there are cash prizes for the STUDENT authors!

Deadline: Friday 16 April 2021

Please download the application form here and send your completed form to<Japan_Scotland@glasgow.ac.uk> with the subject ‘Haiku/Senryu poetry competition entry’. 

We look forward to receiving many humorous, witty Haiku/Senryu!

First published: 18 March 2021