Customer Relationship Management banner with mosaic images of students

Enterprise CRM is a new strategic technical capability being introduced to support transformational change for the University of Glasgow. 

While Enterprise CRM offers the institution the potential to transform across the student lifecycle and beyond, the introduction of CRM will be carefully implemented in iterative phases. Phase 1 focuses on the candidate's experience (attraction & recruitment). The project's success will be delivered by collaboratively designed processes and embedded resources across the University.  


Meet the Project Team

Transformation Team:  

  • Graham Stein (Director of Student Lifecycle) 
  • Rebecca Findlay (Senior Transformation Lead) 
  • Marc Stevenson (Senior Project Manager)  
  • Gregor MacFarlane (Senior Business Analyst)  

Project Governance

Sponsor & Chair 

  • Tom Rice (External Relations) 


CRM Steering Group   

  • Mary Johnson (External Relations) 
  • Jenny Fernandes (External Relations)  
  • Neil McChrystal (Information Services) 
  • Kris Purdy (Digital Experience) 
  • Bethan Ellis (PIA) 
  • Tony Corrigan (CoSS) 
  • Linda Atkinson (MVLS) 
  • Katherine Henderson (CoSE) 
  • Kath Williams/Matt Elliot (CoAH) 
  • John Redmond (Finance) 
  • Chris Ellis (MSDI) 
  • Jane Broad (Student & Academic Services)