Staff from the College of Arts attended a campus development engagement session in the Senate Room on Wednesday 31 October. Project Development Manager Eleanor Magennis presented the University’s strategic plan for the campus development, and where the College of Arts building fits within this.

Architects Hawkins Brown also presented their concept designs for the building, before opening the floor for comments and feedback from staff.

This session is one of a series of consultations and engagement opportunities for staff, which will continue throughout the design phases of the building until finalised later next year.

Staff and students within the College of Arts will have further opportunities to attend consultation sessions throughout the planning process on different elements of the design, with more information being added the College web pages when it becomes available.

Construction on phase one of the new building is planned to start in June 2020.

More information on the University’s campus development is available on the University website.

First published: 2 November 2018