Infrastructure planning

The University has received planning consent for the landscaping and infrastructure on the site of the former Western Infirmary.

The University is investing around £48 million to design new public spaces around the new buildings being delivered through campus development.

This includes elements of landscaping such as paving, tree planting and external furniture. It also dictates the delivery of the services and infrastructure necessary to serve the new buildings, including roads, drainage, utilities and IT.

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The landscaping will create a brand new public realm for the city of Glasgow, including a major new civic square at the heart of the new campus. 

The plans will also include a new pedestrian connecting Byres Road with Kelvingrove Park.  This will seamlessly integrate the University into the fabric of the city to enhance the experience of visiting, studying or working at the University. 

The landscape design will include quiet reflective space, outdoor seating for socialising, greenspace with planting that supports biodiversity and larger open spaces capable of hosting outdoor events.  The landscape design puts the needs of people at the centre of its design to create an attractive, safe and vibrant civic space. 

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Peter Haggarty, Director of Construction and Facilities Management and Project Sponsor for the Infrastructure element of the University’s campus development said: “It is very pleasing to receive planning consent from Glasgow City Council for these infrastructure provisions. Our investment in infrastructure is crucial to achieving a successful and functional new campus on this site, and these plans will ensure we are able to develop high quality and multifunctional spaces.

“Not only will this mean we are able to support and service the world-leading teaching and research buildings that will be constructed on this site, but it will also create a welcoming and pleasant environment which will encourage more staff, students and members of the public to engage with the new facilities.”

University's Campus Development programme

First published: 2 November 2018