Political Economy Futures Forum

Recurring Activities

Weekly Seminars

The key activity is the weekly PEFF Research Seminar. The seminars build community across the scope of PEFF research and help participants develop excellent research in a collegial environment. We particularly welcome cross-disciplinary contributions from early career researchers and scholars from underrepresented groups. By fostering close connections, the PEFF seminar will, in turn, lead to the development of significant funding bids, especially by developing interdisciplinary capacity to answer targeted thematic funding calls. Responsibility for organizing the seminar rotates across the four clusters. We ensure accessibility and inclusion by encouraging cross-cluster attendance. Moreover, all seminars will run in a hybrid format.

Weekly seminars take place on Wednesday from 3-4:30PM. The schedule can be found here

Grant Writing Workshops

Twice a term, we convene grant-writing workshops, which support colleagues in developing and refining funding applications. Colleagues across the College working on PEFF topics are invited to workshop their proposals at any stage. Each session will be structured around a theme and will include support from college research office staff with grant-writing expertise.

PEFF Grant Writing Workshop Schedule

Policy Impact Workshops

PEFF will actively promote the policy engagement skills of its participants. We will work with external partners and internal groups, like the Centre for Public Policy, to develop policy-facing outputs on issues such as the role of corporate regulation and public ownership in the climate transition.

University-wide Symposium

Once a year we host a University-wide symposium showcasing work relevant to our interdisciplinary research theme. Scholars from all four clusters as well as invited experts from across the globe will present their latest research and participate in roundtable discussions. The purpose of the symposium is to facilitate networking across the four clusters and to engage our global community.

Past Events