The key activity is the weekly PEFF Research Seminar. The seminars build community across the scope of PEFF research and help participants develop excellent research in a collegial environment. We particularly welcome cross-disciplinary contributions from early career researchers and scholars from underrepresented groups. By fostering close connections, the PEFF seminar will, in turn, lead to the development of significant funding bids, especially by developing interdisciplinary capacity to answer targeted thematic funding calls. Responsibility for organizing the seminar rotates across the four clusters. We ensure accessibility and inclusion by encouraging cross-cluster attendance. Moreover, all seminars will run in a hybrid format.

Weekly seminars take place on Wednesday from 3-4:30PM. The schedule below will update as specific topics are added.

25 September 2024 ARC Studio 1 PEFF Launch Event TBA
2 October 2024 ARC 225 Global Political Economy (GPE) TBA
9 October 2024 ARC 237C Law & Political Economy (LPE) TBA
16 October 2024 ARC 223 Corporate Accountability (CA) TBA
23 October 2024 ARC 223 Public & Collective Ownership (PCO) TBA
30 October 2024 ARC 225 GPE TBA
6 November 2024 ARC 225 LPE TBA
13 November 2024 ARC 237C CA TBA
20 November 2024 ARC 225 PCO TBA
27 Novebmer 2024 ARC 225 GPE TBA
4 Devember 2024 ARC 225 CA TBA
11 December 2024 ARC 237C End of Year Social (All Clusters) TBA
15 January 2025 ARC 225 LPE TBA
22 January 2025 ARC 225  PCO TBA
29 January 2025 ARC 225 GPE TBA
5 February 2025 ARC 225 CA TBA
12 February 2025 ARC 223 LPE TBA
19 February 2025 ARC 225 PCO TBA
26 February 2025 ARC 225 GPE TBA
5 March 2025 ARC 225  CA TBA
12 March 2025 ARC 223 LPE TBA
19 March 2025 ARC 225 PCO TBA


First published: 20 August 2024

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