Dr William Cockshott

  • Honorary Research Fellow (School of Computing Science)

email: William.Cockshott@glasgow.ac.uk

Room AW407, Computing Science, Sir Alwyn Williams Bldg, Glasgow G12 8QQ

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List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000
Number of items: 141.


Cockshott, W. P. (2023) Profit rates: Their dispersion and long term determination. In: Herrera, R. (ed.) Value, Money, Profit, and Capital Today. Series: Research in Political Economy, 39. Emerald Publishing Limited: Leeds, UK, pp. 167-187. ISBN 9781804557518 (doi: 10.1108/S0161-723020230000039010)


Cockshott, W. P. and Cottrell, A. (2021) Verso un nuovo socialismo = Towards a New Socialism [Italian Translation]. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)


Cockshott, W. P. (2019) Shifting paradigms: how even Hipparchus was smarter than Samuelson. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 47(2), pp. 235-256. (doi: 10.1080/03017605.2019.1601881)


Cockshott, P. (2017) Big Data and Supercomputers: Foundations of Cyber Communism. The Ninth International Vanguard Scientific Conference on "100 Years of Real Socialism and the Theory of Post-Capitalist Civilization", Hanoi, Vietnam, 26-28 Sep 2017.

Cockshott, W. P. (2017) Sraffa's reproduction prices versus prices of production: probability and convergence. World Review of Political Economy, 8(1), pp. 35-55. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.8.1.0035)

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2017) 走向新的社会主义 = Towards a New Socialism [Chinese Translation]. Spokesman Books.

Pelkonen, H. and Cockshott, P. (2017) Use of deconvolution to infer past diet in Austria and the USSR. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 45(1-2), pp. 117-140. (doi: 10.1080/03017605.2016.1268454)


Al-Afeef, A., Bobynko, J., Cockshott, W. P., Craven, A. J., Zuazo, I., Barges, P. and MacLaren, I. (2016) Linear chemically sensitive electron tomography using DualEELS and dictionary-based compressed sensing. Ultramicroscopy, 170, pp. 96-106. (doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.08.004) (PMID:27566049)

Siebert, J. , Aragon Camarasa, G. , Hockings, N., Wang, X. and Cockshott, W. P. (2016) A Biologically Motivated Software Retina for Robotic Sensors for ARM-Based Mobile Platform Technology. ARM Research Summit 2016, Cambridge, UK, 15-16 Sep 2016.

Cockshott, W. P. and Chimeh, M. K. (2016) Architecture Without Explicit Locks for Logic Simulation on SIMD Machines. In: UKMAC2016, Edinburgh, Scotland, 10 May 2016,

Al-Afeef, A.', Cockshott, W. P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2016) Electron tomography image reconstruction using data-driven adaptive compressed sensing. SCANNING: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 38(3), pp. 251-276. (doi: 10.1002/sca.21271) (PMID:26435074)

Cockshott, P. and Renaud, K. (2016) Humans, robots and values. Technology in Society, 45, pp. 19-28. (doi: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2016.01.002)

Cockshott, W. P. (2016) Marxian Reproduction Prices Versus Prices of Production: Probability and Convergence. Working Paper. University of Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Chimeh, M. K. and Cockshott, P. (2016) Optimising Simulation Data Structures for the Xeon Phi. In: 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), Innsbruck, Austria, 18-22 July 2016,

Siebert, J. P. , Schmidt, A., Aragon Camarasa, G. , Hockings, N., Wang, X. and Cockshott, W. P. (2016) A Software Retina for Egocentric & Robotic Vision Applications on Mobile Platforms. European Conference on Computer Vision 2016, ECCV 2016, Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 09 Oct 2016.

Siebert, J. P. , Schmidt, A., Aragon Camarasa, G. , Hockings, N., Wang, X. and Cockshott, W. (2016) A Biologically Motivated Software Retina for Robotic Vision Applications. European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV2016, Workshop on Biological and Artificial Vision​, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 08 Oct 2016.


Chimeh, M. K., Cockshott, P., Oehler, S. B., Tousimojarad, A. and Xu, T. (2015) Compiling vector pascal to the XeonPhi. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(17), pp. 5060-5075. (doi: 10.1002/cpe.3509)

Al-Afeef, A.', Cockshott, P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2015) Improved 3D electron tomography image reconstruction using sparse coding based adaptive dictionaries. AMAS XIII, the 13th biennial Australian Microbeam Analysis Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 11-13 Feb 2015.

Cockshott, P. (2015) Equivocation in the face of black reaction. Economic and Political Weekly, 50(6), pp. 18-20.

Al-Afeef, A., Alekseev, A. , Hedley, G. J., Cockshott, W. P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2015) Electron Tomography of Polymer Solar Cells Using Compressed Sensing. In: Physical Aspects of Polymer Science, Manchester, UK, 8-10 Sept 2015,

Al-Afeef, A., Cockshott, W.P., Barges, P., Zuazo, I., Bobynko, J., Craven, A.J. and MacLaren, I. (2015) Linear chemically sensitive electron tomography using DualEELS and compressed sensing. In: Microscopy and Microanalysis MM2015, Portland, Oregon, 2-6 Aug 2015,

Al-Afeef, A.', Alekseev, A. , MacLaren, I. and Cockshott, P. (2015) Electron tomography based on a Total Generalized Variation minimization reconstruction technique. 31st Picture Coding Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 31 May - 3 June 2015.

Al-Afeef, A.', Cockshott, W.P. and MacLaren, I. (2015) Dictionary based reconstruction of the 3D morphology of Ebola virus. Microscopy and Microanalysis MM2015, Portland, Oregon, 2-6 Aug 2015.

Cockshott, P., Oehler, S. and Gdura, Y. (2015) Array Programming in Pascal. In: ARRAY '15: ACM SIGPLAN 2nd International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming, Portland, OR, USA, 13 Jun 2015,

Xu, T. and Cockshott, W. (2015) Guided Filtering based Pyramidal Stereo Matching for Unrectified Images. In: IVCNZ 2015  Image and Vision Computing, Auckland, New Zealand, 23-24 Nov 2015,


Tian, X., Cockshott, P. and Oehler, S. (2014) Acceleration of stereo-matching on multi-core CPU and GPU. In: 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2014), Paris, France, 20-22 Aug 2014,

AlAfeef, A., Cockshott, P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2014) Compressed sensing electron tomography using adaptive dictionaries: a simulation study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 522(1), 012021. (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/522/1/012021)

Cockshott, W. P., Oehler, S. and Xu, T. (2014) Developing a compiler for the XeonPhi (TR-2014-341). Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Cockshott, P., Cottrell, A. and Valle Baeza, A. (2014) El aspecto empírico de la teoría del valor: respuesta a Nitzan y Bichler. Investigación Económica, 73(287), pp. 121-142.

Cockshott, P. and Zachariah, D. (2014) Conservation laws, financial entropy and the Eurozone Crisis. Economics, 8(2014-5), (doi: 10.5018/economics-ejournal.ja.2014-5)

Birch, S., Cockshott, P. and Renaud, K. (2014) Putting electronic voting under the microscope. Political Quarterly, 85(2), pp. 187-194. (doi: 10.1111/1467-923X.12071)

Cockshott, P., Oehler, S. and Xu, T. (2014) Developing a Compiler for the XeonPhi. Technical Report. School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.

Cockshott, P. and Reifferscheidt, M. (2014) Average and marginal labour values are: on log (n) - a reply to Hagendorf. World Review of Political Economy, 5(2), pp. 258-275. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.5.2.0258)


Cockshott, W. P., Müller, K., Bürger, M. and Bürger, H. (2013) Es kann keine Finanz-Akkumulation von Kapital geben. Anmerkungen zu Carchedi und Duménil. Das Argument, 305, pp. 881-897.

Cockshott, P., Gdura, Y. and Keir, P. (2013) Array languages and the N-body problem. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26(4), pp. 935-951. (doi: 10.1002/cpe.3088)

Mulholland, S. and Cockshott, W. (2013) 3D Visualisation of Oil Reservoirs [POSTER]. Set for Britain, London, 18 March 2013.

Cockshott, P. (2013) Falsch ist, arbeitslosigkeit der automatisierung zuzuschreiben. Junge Welt, 2013(16 Feb),

Cockshott, P. (2013) Heinrich's idea of abstract labour. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 41(2), pp. 287-297. (doi: 10.1080/03017605.2013.805004)[Book Review]

Cockshott, P. (2013) Is the theory of a falling profit rate valid? World Review of Political Economy, 4(3), pp. 323-340. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.4.3.0323)

Cockshott, W.P. (2013) Review of: L. Althusser, Philosophy of the Encounter. World Review of Political Economy, 4(1), pp. 38-62. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.4.1.0038)[Book Review]

Cockshott, W.P. and Renaud, K. (2013) Information technology: gateway to direct democracy in China and the world. International Critical Thought, 3(1), pp. 76-97. (doi: 10.1080/21598282.2013.761448)

Mulholland, S. and Cockshott, W.P. (2013) 3D oil reservoir visualisation using octree compression techniques utilising logical grid co-ordinates. In: ICPET 2013 : International Conference on Petroleum Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 8-9 Jul 2013,

Sengodan, A., Cockshott, W. P. and Cuenca-Garcia, C. (2013) A 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for the Location of Foundations in Demolished Buildings. In: EUCAP 2013, The 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, pp. 3335-3339. ISBN 9781467321877


Cockshott, W.P. (2012) Main feedback loops in world system. In: Proceedings of the World Advanced Research Project, State market and human development in the 21st Century, Mexico city, May 2012, pp. 32-49.

Gdura, Y. and Cockshott, W. (2012) A compiler extension for parallelizing arrays automatically on the cell heterogeneous processor. In: CPC 2012 16th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing, Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo, Padova, Italy, January 11-­13, 2012,

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachriah, D. (2012) Arguments for Socialism. Amazon. ISBN B006S2LW6U

Cockshott, P., Oehler, S., Xu, T., Siebert, P. and Aragon, G. (2012) Parallel stereo vision algorithm. In: Many-Core Applications Research Community Symposium 2012, Aachen, Germany, 29-30 Nov 2012,

Cockshott, W., Gdura, Y. and Keir, P. (2012) Two alternative implementations of automatic parallelisation. In: CPC 2012 16th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing, Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo, Padova, Italy, January 11-­13, 2012,

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2012) Uusi Sosialismi. Suora demokratia ja suunnitelmatalous. Sosialismi.net.

Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X., Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M. and Laibman, D. (2012) Question 1: Why socialism? Science Society, 76(2), pp. 151-171.

Cockshott, W.P., Mackenzie, L.M. and Michaelson, G. (2012) Computation and its Limits. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780199640324

Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X., Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2012) Question 2: Feasibility and coordination. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 172-198.

Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X., Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, P., Cottrell, A. and Devine, P. (2012) Question 3: Incentives and consciousness. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 199-218.

Gdura, Y. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) Virtual SIMD machine approach for abstracting heterogeneous multicore processors. Journal on Computing, 1(4), pp. 143-148.

Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P. and Yin, X. (2012) Question 4: Stages and productive forces. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 219-242.

Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X. and Hahnel, R. (2012) Question 5: Social and long-term planning. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 243-266.

Sengodan, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) A 2D processing algorithm for detecting landmines using Ground Penetrating Radar data. In: 13th International Radar Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 May 2012,

Sengodan, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) The SIMCA algorithm for processing Ground Penetrating Radar data and its use in landmine detection. In: Set for Britain, London, UK, 12 March 2012,

Sengodan, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) The SIMCA algorithm for processing Ground Penetrating Radar data and its use in landmine detection. In: 11th International Conference on Information Science: Signal Processing and Their Applications, Montreal, Canada, 2-5 July 2012,


Cockshott, W.P. and Koliousis, A. (2011) The SCC and the SICSA multi-core challenge. In: 4th MARC Symposium, Potsdam, 8-9 Dec 2011,

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Jak wspóczesna zyka udowadnia marksistowsk teori wartoci? Komunistyczna Partia Polski,

Cockshott, W.P. and Dieterich, H. (2011) The contemporary relevance of exploitation theory. Marxism 21, 8(1), pp. 206-235.

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Gain advantage (title translated from the Persian). Akbare Rooz,

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Comments on the 'China model'. International Critical Thought, 1(2), pp. 148-157. (doi: 10.1080/21598282.2011.584159)

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Competing theories: wrong or not even wrong. Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift, 45(2), pp. 97-103.

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachariah, D. (2011) The root causes of the financial crisis and countermeasures (translation of Chinese title). Central Compilation and Translation Bureau China,

Cottrell, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Sosialistinen suunnittelu Neuvostoliiton romahduksen jälkeen. Revalvaatio,

Keir, P., Cockshott, W.P. and Richards, A. (2011) Mainstream parallel array programming on cell. In: 5th Workshop on Highly Parallel Processing on a Chip (HPPC 2011), Bordeaux, France, 30 August, 2011,

Sengodan, A., Cockshott, W.P. and Cuenca-Garcia, C. (2011) The SIMCA algorithm for processing Ground Penetrating Radar data and its use in locating foundations in demolished buildings. In: RadarCon '11, Kansas City, USA, 23-27 May 2011, pp. 706-709. (doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2011.5960629)


Cockshott, W.P., Bichler, S. and Nitzan, J. (2010) Testing the labour theory of value: An exchange. Discussion Paper. Bichler and Nitzan Archives.

Cockshott, P. (2010) Revisão: o desenvolvimento do pensamento económico socialista.

Cockshott, P., Mackenzie, L. and Michaelson, G. (2010) Non-classical computing: feasible versus infeasible. In: ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010 International Academic Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 April 2010,

Cockshott, P. and Renaud, K. (2010) Extending handivote to handle digital economic decisions. In: ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010 International Academic Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 April 2010,

Cockshott, W.P. (2010) 2000-luvun marxilaisuus. Socialismi.net,

Cockshott, W.P. (2010) Dogan Göçmen, The Adam Smith Problem. Journal of Critical Realism, 9(1), pp. 119-121. [Book Review]

Cockshott, W.P. (2010) Jak fyzika potvrzuje pracovní teorii hodnoty. Svaz mladých komunistů Československa,

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2010) Oekonomisches Uebergagnsprogramm zum Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhundreds in der Europaischen Union. In: Galtung, J. (ed.) Das Übergangsprogramm zum Demokratischen Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts in Europa. Göttingen. ISBN 3932210085

Cockshott, W.P., Mackenzie, L. and Michaelson, G. (2010) Non-Classical Computing: Feasible Versus Infeasible. In: ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 April 2010,

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachariah, D. (2010) Credit crunch: origins and orientation. Science and Society, 74(3), pp. 343-361. (doi: 10.1521/siso.2010.74.3.343)

Cockshott, W.P.C. (2010) Von Mises, Kantorovich and in-natura calculation. Intervention : European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 7(1), pp. 167-200.

Cockshott, W.P.C., Cottrell, A. and Dieterich, H. (2010) Transition to 21st century socialism in the European Union. In: Transition to 21st Century Socialism in the European Union. CenturyXXI / Lulu.com, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781445715070


Cockshott, W.P. and Renaud, K. (2009) HandiVote: simple, anonymous, and auditable electronic voting. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 6(1), pp. 60-80. (doi: 10.1080/19331680802668102)

Cockshott, W. and Cottrell, A. (2009) 计算、复杂性与计划. Technical Report. Shangdong University, Shangdong, China. (doi: 1001-5574).

Cockshott, W.P. (2009) Hilbert space models commodity exchanges. In: Bruza, P., Sofge, D., Lawless, W., van Rijsbergen, K. and Klusch, M. (eds.) Quantum Interaction Third International Symposium, QI 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 25-27, 2009. Proceedings. Series: Lecture notes in computer science, 5494 (5494). Springer-Verlag, pp. 299-307. ISBN 9783642008337 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-00834-4_25)

Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Michaelson, G.J., Wright, I.P. and Yakovenko, V.M. (2009) Classical Econophysics. Series: Routledge advances in experimental and computable economics, 2. Routledge. ISBN 9780415478489

Cottrell, A., Cockshott, W.P. and Michaelson, G. (2009) Is economic planning hypercomputational? The argument from Cantor diagonalisation. Journal of Unconventional Computing, 5(3-4), pp. 223-236.


Cockshott, W.P. (2008) Unerwartete Quelle Die Physik bestätigt den Marxismus. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W.P. (2008) 21st Century Marxism. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W.P. (2008) How physics is validating the labour theory of value. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2008) Probabilistic political economy and endogenous money. In: Probabilistic Political Economy Conference, London, UK, 14-17 Jul 2008, (Unpublished)

Cockshott, W.P., Mackenzie, L.M. and Michaelson, G. (2008) Physical constraints on hypercomputation. Theoretical Computer Science, 394(3), pp. 159-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2007.12.009)

Cockshott, P. (2008) Arbete och termodynamik. Clarte, 2008(4),

Cockshott, P. and Cottrell, A. (2008) Computers and economic democracy. Revista de Economia Institucional, 10(19), pp. 161-205.

Cockshott, P., Koltes, A., O'Donnell, J., Prosser, P. and Vanderbauwhede, W. (2008) A hardware relaxation paradigm for solving NP-hard problems. In: Abramsky, S., Gelenbe, E. and Sassone, V. (eds.) Visions of Computer Science: BCS International Academic Conference, Imperial College, London, UK, 22-24 September 2008. BCS: Swindon, UK, pp. 75-86.

Cockshott, P. and Sinha, A. (2008) Can we meaningfully speak of changes in price under the regime of changes in techniques? Review of Political Economy, 20(3), pp. 393-403. (doi: 10.1080/09538250802170418)

Xiao, Y., Siebert, J.P. and Cockshott, W.P. (2008) A content-adaptive method for fractional image rescaling based on constrained seam carving. In: IAENG International Conference on Imaging Engineering, Hong Kong, China, 19-21 Mar 2008,


Cockshott, W.P. and Michaelson, G. (2007) Are there new models of computation? Reply to Wegner and Eberbach. Computer Journal, 50(2), pp. 232-247. (doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxl062)

Xiao, Y., Siebert, J.P. and Cockshott, W.P. (2007) A content-adaptive method for fractional image rescaling based on constrained seam carving. In: International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, 21-23 March 2007,

Cockshott, W. (2007) The Big Picture: Britain and China and the Future of Capitalism. Bulletin of Political Economy, pp. 1-16.

Cockshott, W. (2007) Oberhand gewinnen. Junge Welt, 3(4),

Cockshott, W.P., Balasuriya, L.S., Gunawan, I.P. and Siebert, J.P. (2007) Vector quantisation based image enhancement. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2007), Barcelona, Spain, 8-11 March 2007. Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, pp. 79-84.

Cockshott, W.P., Balasuriya, S.L., Gunawan, I.P. and Siebert, J.P. (2007) Image enhancement using vector quantisation based interpolation. In: British Machine Vision Conference, University of Warwick, 10-13 September 2007,

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2007) Hacia un NUEVO SOCIALISMO. Monte Avila. ISBN 9800114995

Cockshott, W.P., Seibert, J.P., Balasuriya, S.L. and Gunawan, I.P. (2007) Vector quantisation based image enhancement. In: British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2007, Warwick, 2007,

Cottrell, A. and Cockshott, W. (2007) Against Hayek. Working Paper. University Library of Munich, Munich.

Huang, D.J., Siebert, J.P. , Cockshott, W.P. and Xiao, Y.J. (2007) Super-resolution of face images based on adaptive markov network. In: Third International IEEE Conference on Signal-Image Technologies and Internet-Based System, 16-18 Dec, 2007. IEEE, pp. 742-747. ISBN 9780769531229 (doi: 10.1109/SITIS.2007.107)

Mackenzie, L., Cockshott, W.P., Yarmolenko, V., Borland, E., Graham, P. and Kavoussanakis, K. (2007) Applying the Grid to 3D capture technology. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19, pp. 235-249. (doi: 10.1002/cpe.1043)

Renaud, K. and Cockshott, W.P. (2007) Electronic plebiscites. In: MeTTeG07, Camerino, 27-28 September 2007,


Cockshott, W.P. and Michaelson, G.J. (2006) Orthogonal parallel processing in vector pascal. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, 32(1), pp. 2-41. (doi: 10.1016/j.cl.2004.07.001)

Brugnot, S., Ju, X., Cockshott, W.P. and Siebert, J.P. (2006) A resolution-independent image representation for digital cinema. In: The 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2006), Bory, Czech Republic, 30 Jan - 3 Feb 2006,

Cockshott, W. (2006) Das Prinzip Gleichheit. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W. (2006) DE STORA SPRÅNGEN. Clarte, 2006(4), pp. 12-25.

Cockshott, W. (2006) Demography and the Falling Rate of Profit. Indian Development Review, 4, pp. 39-59.

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachariah, D. (2006) Hunting productive work. Science and Society, 70, pp. 509-527.

Mao, Z., Ju, X., Siebert, J., Cockshott, W. and Ayoub, A. (2006) Constructing dense correspondences for the analysis of 3D facial morphology. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27, pp. 597-608. (doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2005.09.025)


Cockshott, W. (2005) Efficient compilation of array expressions. Apl Quote Quad, 34(2), pp. 16-25.

Cockshott, W. (2005) Robust correlations between prices and labour values. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 29(2), pp. 309-316. (doi: 10.1093/cje/bei015)

Cockshott, W. (2005) Symmetries and exchange relations. Polã�tica Y Cultura, Primavera 2005, Nâ·m 23,, pp. 3-32.

Nebel, J.C., Cockshott, W.P., Yarmolenko, V., Borland, E. and MacVicar, D. (2005) Pre-commercial 3-D digital TV studio. IEE Proceedings: Vision Image and Signal Processing, 152(6), pp. 665-667. (doi: 10.1049/ip-vis:20045179)


PCT/GB03/004831 (2004) Cardiac Imaging. .

Cockshott, W.P. (2004) Array languages and the challenges of modern computer architecture. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad, 34(3), pp. 13-19. (doi: 10.1145/1127556.1127558)

Cockshott, W.P., Yarmolenko, V. and Mackenzie, L. (2004) RUR: a proposed model for CPU marketing. Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

Mao, Z., Siebert, J.P. , Cockshott, W.P. and Ayoub, A.F. (2004) A coordinate-free method for the analysis of 3D facial change. In: SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, 14-19 Feb 2004,

Vicar, D.M., Ford, S., Borland, E., Rixon, R., Patterson, J. and Cockshott, W.P. (2004) 3D performance capture for facial animation. In: 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-9 September 2004, pp. 4255-49. ISBN 9780769522234 (doi: 10.1109/TDPVT.2004.1335140)

Yarmolenko, V., Cockshott, W.P., Borland, E., Graham, P. and Mackenzie, L. (2004) JPie interface: an on-the-fly job submission and communication configuration package. Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

Zhili, M., Siebert, J.P. , Cockshott, W.P. and Ayoub, A.F. (2004) Constructing dense correspondences to analyze 3D facial change. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. IEEE, pp. 144-148. ISBN 0769521282 (doi: 10.1109/ICPR.2004.1334489)


Cockshott, W.P., Tao, Y., Gao, G., Balch, P., Briones, A.M. and Daly, C. (2003) Confocal microscopic image sequence compression using vector quantization and 3D pyramids. SCANNING: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 25(5), pp. 247-256.

Cockshott, W. (2003) Recognition system.

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2003) Planhushållning och direktdemokrati. Series: Manifest originalpocket. Manifest kulturproduktion. ISBN 9789189291140

Cockshott, W.P., Hoff, S. and Nebel, J.C. (2003) Experimental 3-D digital TV studio. IEE Proceedings: Vision Image and Signal Processing, 150(1), pp. 28-33. (doi: 10.1049/ip-vis:20030156)

Cockshott, W.P., Tao, Y.G., Gao, G., Balch, P., Briones, A.M. and Daly, C. (2003) Confocal microscopic image sequence compression using vector quantization and three-dimensional pyramid. Scanning, 25, pp. 247-256.

Cockshott, W. and Cottrell, A. (2003) A note on the organic composition of capital and profit rates. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27, pp. 749-754.


Cockshott, W. (2002) The abstraction mechanisms of vector pascal. Vector, pp. 100-112.

Cockshott, W. (2002) F÷r ett genomskinligt produktionssõtt.

Cockshott, W. (2002) Flash Unit for 3D Photography.

US patent 6438268 (2002) Vector Quantization Codebook Generation Method. .

Cockshott, W.P. (2002) A comment on: Democratic Planned Socialism by Al Campbell. Science and Society, pp. 43-44.

Cockshott, W.P. (2002) A comment on: Socialism and Innovation by David Kotz. Science and Society, pp. 109-110.

Cockshott, W.P. (2002) Vector Pascal reference manual. ACM Sigplan Notices, 37, pp. 59-81.

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2002) The relation between economic and political instances in the communist mode of production. Science and Society, 66, pp. 50-64.


Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2000) Towards a new socialism. Spokesman Books.

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 16:31:29 2024 BST.
Number of items: 141.


Cockshott, W. P. (2019) Shifting paradigms: how even Hipparchus was smarter than Samuelson. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 47(2), pp. 235-256. (doi: 10.1080/03017605.2019.1601881)

Cockshott, W. P. (2017) Sraffa's reproduction prices versus prices of production: probability and convergence. World Review of Political Economy, 8(1), pp. 35-55. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.8.1.0035)

Pelkonen, H. and Cockshott, P. (2017) Use of deconvolution to infer past diet in Austria and the USSR. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 45(1-2), pp. 117-140. (doi: 10.1080/03017605.2016.1268454)

Al-Afeef, A., Bobynko, J., Cockshott, W. P., Craven, A. J., Zuazo, I., Barges, P. and MacLaren, I. (2016) Linear chemically sensitive electron tomography using DualEELS and dictionary-based compressed sensing. Ultramicroscopy, 170, pp. 96-106. (doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.08.004) (PMID:27566049)

Al-Afeef, A.', Cockshott, W. P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2016) Electron tomography image reconstruction using data-driven adaptive compressed sensing. SCANNING: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 38(3), pp. 251-276. (doi: 10.1002/sca.21271) (PMID:26435074)

Cockshott, P. and Renaud, K. (2016) Humans, robots and values. Technology in Society, 45, pp. 19-28. (doi: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2016.01.002)

Chimeh, M. K., Cockshott, P., Oehler, S. B., Tousimojarad, A. and Xu, T. (2015) Compiling vector pascal to the XeonPhi. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(17), pp. 5060-5075. (doi: 10.1002/cpe.3509)

Cockshott, P. (2015) Equivocation in the face of black reaction. Economic and Political Weekly, 50(6), pp. 18-20.

AlAfeef, A., Cockshott, P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2014) Compressed sensing electron tomography using adaptive dictionaries: a simulation study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 522(1), 012021. (doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/522/1/012021)

Cockshott, P., Cottrell, A. and Valle Baeza, A. (2014) El aspecto empírico de la teoría del valor: respuesta a Nitzan y Bichler. Investigación Económica, 73(287), pp. 121-142.

Cockshott, P. and Zachariah, D. (2014) Conservation laws, financial entropy and the Eurozone Crisis. Economics, 8(2014-5), (doi: 10.5018/economics-ejournal.ja.2014-5)

Birch, S., Cockshott, P. and Renaud, K. (2014) Putting electronic voting under the microscope. Political Quarterly, 85(2), pp. 187-194. (doi: 10.1111/1467-923X.12071)

Cockshott, P. and Reifferscheidt, M. (2014) Average and marginal labour values are: on log (n) - a reply to Hagendorf. World Review of Political Economy, 5(2), pp. 258-275. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.5.2.0258)

Cockshott, W. P., Müller, K., Bürger, M. and Bürger, H. (2013) Es kann keine Finanz-Akkumulation von Kapital geben. Anmerkungen zu Carchedi und Duménil. Das Argument, 305, pp. 881-897.

Cockshott, P., Gdura, Y. and Keir, P. (2013) Array languages and the N-body problem. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26(4), pp. 935-951. (doi: 10.1002/cpe.3088)

Cockshott, P. (2013) Falsch ist, arbeitslosigkeit der automatisierung zuzuschreiben. Junge Welt, 2013(16 Feb),

Cockshott, P. (2013) Is the theory of a falling profit rate valid? World Review of Political Economy, 4(3), pp. 323-340. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.4.3.0323)

Cockshott, W.P. and Renaud, K. (2013) Information technology: gateway to direct democracy in China and the world. International Critical Thought, 3(1), pp. 76-97. (doi: 10.1080/21598282.2013.761448)

Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X., Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M. and Laibman, D. (2012) Question 1: Why socialism? Science Society, 76(2), pp. 151-171.

Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X., Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2012) Question 2: Feasibility and coordination. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 172-198.

Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X., Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, P., Cottrell, A. and Devine, P. (2012) Question 3: Incentives and consciousness. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 199-218.

Gdura, Y. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) Virtual SIMD machine approach for abstracting heterogeneous multicore processors. Journal on Computing, 1(4), pp. 143-148.

Hahnel, R., Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P. and Yin, X. (2012) Question 4: Stages and productive forces. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 219-242.

Harnecker, M., Laibman, D., Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Devine, P., Ding, X., Mao, P., Yin, X. and Hahnel, R. (2012) Question 5: Social and long-term planning. Science and Society, 76(2), pp. 243-266.

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Jak wspóczesna zyka udowadnia marksistowsk teori wartoci? Komunistyczna Partia Polski,

Cockshott, W.P. and Dieterich, H. (2011) The contemporary relevance of exploitation theory. Marxism 21, 8(1), pp. 206-235.

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Gain advantage (title translated from the Persian). Akbare Rooz,

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Comments on the 'China model'. International Critical Thought, 1(2), pp. 148-157. (doi: 10.1080/21598282.2011.584159)

Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Competing theories: wrong or not even wrong. Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift, 45(2), pp. 97-103.

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachariah, D. (2011) The root causes of the financial crisis and countermeasures (translation of Chinese title). Central Compilation and Translation Bureau China,

Cottrell, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2011) Sosialistinen suunnittelu Neuvostoliiton romahduksen jälkeen. Revalvaatio,

Cockshott, P. (2010) Revisão: o desenvolvimento do pensamento económico socialista.

Cockshott, W.P. (2010) 2000-luvun marxilaisuus. Socialismi.net,

Cockshott, W.P. (2010) Jak fyzika potvrzuje pracovní teorii hodnoty. Svaz mladých komunistů Československa,

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachariah, D. (2010) Credit crunch: origins and orientation. Science and Society, 74(3), pp. 343-361. (doi: 10.1521/siso.2010.74.3.343)

Cockshott, W.P.C. (2010) Von Mises, Kantorovich and in-natura calculation. Intervention : European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 7(1), pp. 167-200.

Cockshott, W.P. and Renaud, K. (2009) HandiVote: simple, anonymous, and auditable electronic voting. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 6(1), pp. 60-80. (doi: 10.1080/19331680802668102)

Cottrell, A., Cockshott, W.P. and Michaelson, G. (2009) Is economic planning hypercomputational? The argument from Cantor diagonalisation. Journal of Unconventional Computing, 5(3-4), pp. 223-236.

Cockshott, W.P. (2008) Unerwartete Quelle Die Physik bestätigt den Marxismus. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W.P. (2008) 21st Century Marxism. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W.P. (2008) How physics is validating the labour theory of value. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W.P., Mackenzie, L.M. and Michaelson, G. (2008) Physical constraints on hypercomputation. Theoretical Computer Science, 394(3), pp. 159-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2007.12.009)

Cockshott, P. (2008) Arbete och termodynamik. Clarte, 2008(4),

Cockshott, P. and Cottrell, A. (2008) Computers and economic democracy. Revista de Economia Institucional, 10(19), pp. 161-205.

Cockshott, P. and Sinha, A. (2008) Can we meaningfully speak of changes in price under the regime of changes in techniques? Review of Political Economy, 20(3), pp. 393-403. (doi: 10.1080/09538250802170418)

Cockshott, W.P. and Michaelson, G. (2007) Are there new models of computation? Reply to Wegner and Eberbach. Computer Journal, 50(2), pp. 232-247. (doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxl062)

Cockshott, W. (2007) The Big Picture: Britain and China and the Future of Capitalism. Bulletin of Political Economy, pp. 1-16.

Cockshott, W. (2007) Oberhand gewinnen. Junge Welt, 3(4),

Mackenzie, L., Cockshott, W.P., Yarmolenko, V., Borland, E., Graham, P. and Kavoussanakis, K. (2007) Applying the Grid to 3D capture technology. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19, pp. 235-249. (doi: 10.1002/cpe.1043)

Cockshott, W.P. and Michaelson, G.J. (2006) Orthogonal parallel processing in vector pascal. Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, 32(1), pp. 2-41. (doi: 10.1016/j.cl.2004.07.001)

Cockshott, W. (2006) Das Prinzip Gleichheit. Junge Welt,

Cockshott, W. (2006) DE STORA SPRÅNGEN. Clarte, 2006(4), pp. 12-25.

Cockshott, W. (2006) Demography and the Falling Rate of Profit. Indian Development Review, 4, pp. 39-59.

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachariah, D. (2006) Hunting productive work. Science and Society, 70, pp. 509-527.

Mao, Z., Ju, X., Siebert, J., Cockshott, W. and Ayoub, A. (2006) Constructing dense correspondences for the analysis of 3D facial morphology. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27, pp. 597-608. (doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2005.09.025)

Cockshott, W. (2005) Efficient compilation of array expressions. Apl Quote Quad, 34(2), pp. 16-25.

Cockshott, W. (2005) Robust correlations between prices and labour values. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 29(2), pp. 309-316. (doi: 10.1093/cje/bei015)

Cockshott, W. (2005) Symmetries and exchange relations. Polã�tica Y Cultura, Primavera 2005, Nâ·m 23,, pp. 3-32.

Nebel, J.C., Cockshott, W.P., Yarmolenko, V., Borland, E. and MacVicar, D. (2005) Pre-commercial 3-D digital TV studio. IEE Proceedings: Vision Image and Signal Processing, 152(6), pp. 665-667. (doi: 10.1049/ip-vis:20045179)

Cockshott, W.P. (2004) Array languages and the challenges of modern computer architecture. ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad, 34(3), pp. 13-19. (doi: 10.1145/1127556.1127558)

Cockshott, W.P., Tao, Y., Gao, G., Balch, P., Briones, A.M. and Daly, C. (2003) Confocal microscopic image sequence compression using vector quantization and 3D pyramids. SCANNING: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 25(5), pp. 247-256.

Cockshott, W. (2003) Recognition system.

Cockshott, W.P., Hoff, S. and Nebel, J.C. (2003) Experimental 3-D digital TV studio. IEE Proceedings: Vision Image and Signal Processing, 150(1), pp. 28-33. (doi: 10.1049/ip-vis:20030156)

Cockshott, W.P., Tao, Y.G., Gao, G., Balch, P., Briones, A.M. and Daly, C. (2003) Confocal microscopic image sequence compression using vector quantization and three-dimensional pyramid. Scanning, 25, pp. 247-256.

Cockshott, W. and Cottrell, A. (2003) A note on the organic composition of capital and profit rates. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27, pp. 749-754.

Cockshott, W. (2002) The abstraction mechanisms of vector pascal. Vector, pp. 100-112.

Cockshott, W. (2002) F÷r ett genomskinligt produktionssõtt.

Cockshott, W. (2002) Flash Unit for 3D Photography.

Cockshott, W.P. (2002) A comment on: Democratic Planned Socialism by Al Campbell. Science and Society, pp. 43-44.

Cockshott, W.P. (2002) A comment on: Socialism and Innovation by David Kotz. Science and Society, pp. 109-110.

Cockshott, W.P. (2002) Vector Pascal reference manual. ACM Sigplan Notices, 37, pp. 59-81.

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2002) The relation between economic and political instances in the communist mode of production. Science and Society, 66, pp. 50-64.


Cockshott, W. P. and Cottrell, A. (2021) Verso un nuovo socialismo = Towards a New Socialism [Italian Translation]. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2017) 走向新的社会主义 = Towards a New Socialism [Chinese Translation]. Spokesman Books.

Cockshott, W.P. and Zachriah, D. (2012) Arguments for Socialism. Amazon. ISBN B006S2LW6U

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2012) Uusi Sosialismi. Suora demokratia ja suunnitelmatalous. Sosialismi.net.

Cockshott, W.P., Mackenzie, L.M. and Michaelson, G. (2012) Computation and its Limits. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780199640324

Cockshott, W.P., Cottrell, A., Michaelson, G.J., Wright, I.P. and Yakovenko, V.M. (2009) Classical Econophysics. Series: Routledge advances in experimental and computable economics, 2. Routledge. ISBN 9780415478489

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2007) Hacia un NUEVO SOCIALISMO. Monte Avila. ISBN 9800114995

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2003) Planhushållning och direktdemokrati. Series: Manifest originalpocket. Manifest kulturproduktion. ISBN 9789189291140

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2000) Towards a new socialism. Spokesman Books.

Book Sections

Cockshott, W. P. (2023) Profit rates: Their dispersion and long term determination. In: Herrera, R. (ed.) Value, Money, Profit, and Capital Today. Series: Research in Political Economy, 39. Emerald Publishing Limited: Leeds, UK, pp. 167-187. ISBN 9781804557518 (doi: 10.1108/S0161-723020230000039010)

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2010) Oekonomisches Uebergagnsprogramm zum Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhundreds in der Europaischen Union. In: Galtung, J. (ed.) Das Übergangsprogramm zum Demokratischen Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts in Europa. Göttingen. ISBN 3932210085

Cockshott, W.P.C., Cottrell, A. and Dieterich, H. (2010) Transition to 21st century socialism in the European Union. In: Transition to 21st Century Socialism in the European Union. CenturyXXI / Lulu.com, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781445715070

Cockshott, W.P. (2009) Hilbert space models commodity exchanges. In: Bruza, P., Sofge, D., Lawless, W., van Rijsbergen, K. and Klusch, M. (eds.) Quantum Interaction Third International Symposium, QI 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 25-27, 2009. Proceedings. Series: Lecture notes in computer science, 5494 (5494). Springer-Verlag, pp. 299-307. ISBN 9783642008337 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-00834-4_25)

Cockshott, P., Koltes, A., O'Donnell, J., Prosser, P. and Vanderbauwhede, W. (2008) A hardware relaxation paradigm for solving NP-hard problems. In: Abramsky, S., Gelenbe, E. and Sassone, V. (eds.) Visions of Computer Science: BCS International Academic Conference, Imperial College, London, UK, 22-24 September 2008. BCS: Swindon, UK, pp. 75-86.

Cockshott, W.P., Balasuriya, L.S., Gunawan, I.P. and Siebert, J.P. (2007) Vector quantisation based image enhancement. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2007), Barcelona, Spain, 8-11 March 2007. Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, pp. 79-84.

Huang, D.J., Siebert, J.P. , Cockshott, W.P. and Xiao, Y.J. (2007) Super-resolution of face images based on adaptive markov network. In: Third International IEEE Conference on Signal-Image Technologies and Internet-Based System, 16-18 Dec, 2007. IEEE, pp. 742-747. ISBN 9780769531229 (doi: 10.1109/SITIS.2007.107)

Zhili, M., Siebert, J.P. , Cockshott, W.P. and Ayoub, A.F. (2004) Constructing dense correspondences to analyze 3D facial change. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. IEEE, pp. 144-148. ISBN 0769521282 (doi: 10.1109/ICPR.2004.1334489)

Book Reviews

Cockshott, P. (2013) Heinrich's idea of abstract labour. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 41(2), pp. 287-297. (doi: 10.1080/03017605.2013.805004)[Book Review]

Cockshott, W.P. (2013) Review of: L. Althusser, Philosophy of the Encounter. World Review of Political Economy, 4(1), pp. 38-62. (doi: 10.13169/worlrevipoliecon.4.1.0038)[Book Review]

Cockshott, W.P. (2010) Dogan Göçmen, The Adam Smith Problem. Journal of Critical Realism, 9(1), pp. 119-121. [Book Review]

Research Reports or Papers

Cockshott, W. P. (2016) Marxian Reproduction Prices Versus Prices of Production: Probability and Convergence. Working Paper. University of Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Cockshott, W. P., Oehler, S. and Xu, T. (2014) Developing a compiler for the XeonPhi (TR-2014-341). Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)

Cockshott, P., Oehler, S. and Xu, T. (2014) Developing a Compiler for the XeonPhi. Technical Report. School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.

Cockshott, W.P., Bichler, S. and Nitzan, J. (2010) Testing the labour theory of value: An exchange. Discussion Paper. Bichler and Nitzan Archives.

Cockshott, W. and Cottrell, A. (2009) 计算、复杂性与计划. Technical Report. Shangdong University, Shangdong, China. (doi: 1001-5574).

Cottrell, A. and Cockshott, W. (2007) Against Hayek. Working Paper. University Library of Munich, Munich.

Cockshott, W.P., Yarmolenko, V. and Mackenzie, L. (2004) RUR: a proposed model for CPU marketing. Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

Yarmolenko, V., Cockshott, W.P., Borland, E., Graham, P. and Mackenzie, L. (2004) JPie interface: an on-the-fly job submission and communication configuration package. Technical Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

Conference or Workshop Item

Cockshott, P. (2017) Big Data and Supercomputers: Foundations of Cyber Communism. The Ninth International Vanguard Scientific Conference on "100 Years of Real Socialism and the Theory of Post-Capitalist Civilization", Hanoi, Vietnam, 26-28 Sep 2017.

Siebert, J. , Aragon Camarasa, G. , Hockings, N., Wang, X. and Cockshott, W. P. (2016) A Biologically Motivated Software Retina for Robotic Sensors for ARM-Based Mobile Platform Technology. ARM Research Summit 2016, Cambridge, UK, 15-16 Sep 2016.

Siebert, J. P. , Schmidt, A., Aragon Camarasa, G. , Hockings, N., Wang, X. and Cockshott, W. P. (2016) A Software Retina for Egocentric & Robotic Vision Applications on Mobile Platforms. European Conference on Computer Vision 2016, ECCV 2016, Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 09 Oct 2016.

Siebert, J. P. , Schmidt, A., Aragon Camarasa, G. , Hockings, N., Wang, X. and Cockshott, W. (2016) A Biologically Motivated Software Retina for Robotic Vision Applications. European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV2016, Workshop on Biological and Artificial Vision​, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 08 Oct 2016.

Al-Afeef, A.', Cockshott, P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2015) Improved 3D electron tomography image reconstruction using sparse coding based adaptive dictionaries. AMAS XIII, the 13th biennial Australian Microbeam Analysis Symposium, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 11-13 Feb 2015.

Al-Afeef, A.', Alekseev, A. , MacLaren, I. and Cockshott, P. (2015) Electron tomography based on a Total Generalized Variation minimization reconstruction technique. 31st Picture Coding Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 31 May - 3 June 2015.

Al-Afeef, A.', Cockshott, W.P. and MacLaren, I. (2015) Dictionary based reconstruction of the 3D morphology of Ebola virus. Microscopy and Microanalysis MM2015, Portland, Oregon, 2-6 Aug 2015.

Mulholland, S. and Cockshott, W. (2013) 3D Visualisation of Oil Reservoirs [POSTER]. Set for Britain, London, 18 March 2013.

Conference Proceedings

Cockshott, W. P. and Chimeh, M. K. (2016) Architecture Without Explicit Locks for Logic Simulation on SIMD Machines. In: UKMAC2016, Edinburgh, Scotland, 10 May 2016,

Chimeh, M. K. and Cockshott, P. (2016) Optimising Simulation Data Structures for the Xeon Phi. In: 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), Innsbruck, Austria, 18-22 July 2016,

Al-Afeef, A., Alekseev, A. , Hedley, G. J., Cockshott, W. P., MacLaren, I. and McVitie, S. (2015) Electron Tomography of Polymer Solar Cells Using Compressed Sensing. In: Physical Aspects of Polymer Science, Manchester, UK, 8-10 Sept 2015,

Al-Afeef, A., Cockshott, W.P., Barges, P., Zuazo, I., Bobynko, J., Craven, A.J. and MacLaren, I. (2015) Linear chemically sensitive electron tomography using DualEELS and compressed sensing. In: Microscopy and Microanalysis MM2015, Portland, Oregon, 2-6 Aug 2015,

Cockshott, P., Oehler, S. and Gdura, Y. (2015) Array Programming in Pascal. In: ARRAY '15: ACM SIGPLAN 2nd International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming, Portland, OR, USA, 13 Jun 2015,

Xu, T. and Cockshott, W. (2015) Guided Filtering based Pyramidal Stereo Matching for Unrectified Images. In: IVCNZ 2015  Image and Vision Computing, Auckland, New Zealand, 23-24 Nov 2015,

Tian, X., Cockshott, P. and Oehler, S. (2014) Acceleration of stereo-matching on multi-core CPU and GPU. In: 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2014), Paris, France, 20-22 Aug 2014,

Mulholland, S. and Cockshott, W.P. (2013) 3D oil reservoir visualisation using octree compression techniques utilising logical grid co-ordinates. In: ICPET 2013 : International Conference on Petroleum Engineering and Technology, London, UK, 8-9 Jul 2013,

Sengodan, A., Cockshott, W. P. and Cuenca-Garcia, C. (2013) A 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for the Location of Foundations in Demolished Buildings. In: EUCAP 2013, The 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, pp. 3335-3339. ISBN 9781467321877

Cockshott, W.P. (2012) Main feedback loops in world system. In: Proceedings of the World Advanced Research Project, State market and human development in the 21st Century, Mexico city, May 2012, pp. 32-49.

Gdura, Y. and Cockshott, W. (2012) A compiler extension for parallelizing arrays automatically on the cell heterogeneous processor. In: CPC 2012 16th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing, Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo, Padova, Italy, January 11-­13, 2012,

Cockshott, P., Oehler, S., Xu, T., Siebert, P. and Aragon, G. (2012) Parallel stereo vision algorithm. In: Many-Core Applications Research Community Symposium 2012, Aachen, Germany, 29-30 Nov 2012,

Cockshott, W., Gdura, Y. and Keir, P. (2012) Two alternative implementations of automatic parallelisation. In: CPC 2012 16th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing, Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo, Padova, Italy, January 11-­13, 2012,

Sengodan, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) A 2D processing algorithm for detecting landmines using Ground Penetrating Radar data. In: 13th International Radar Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 May 2012,

Sengodan, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) The SIMCA algorithm for processing Ground Penetrating Radar data and its use in landmine detection. In: Set for Britain, London, UK, 12 March 2012,

Sengodan, A. and Cockshott, W.P. (2012) The SIMCA algorithm for processing Ground Penetrating Radar data and its use in landmine detection. In: 11th International Conference on Information Science: Signal Processing and Their Applications, Montreal, Canada, 2-5 July 2012,

Cockshott, W.P. and Koliousis, A. (2011) The SCC and the SICSA multi-core challenge. In: 4th MARC Symposium, Potsdam, 8-9 Dec 2011,

Keir, P., Cockshott, W.P. and Richards, A. (2011) Mainstream parallel array programming on cell. In: 5th Workshop on Highly Parallel Processing on a Chip (HPPC 2011), Bordeaux, France, 30 August, 2011,

Sengodan, A., Cockshott, W.P. and Cuenca-Garcia, C. (2011) The SIMCA algorithm for processing Ground Penetrating Radar data and its use in locating foundations in demolished buildings. In: RadarCon '11, Kansas City, USA, 23-27 May 2011, pp. 706-709. (doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2011.5960629)

Cockshott, P., Mackenzie, L. and Michaelson, G. (2010) Non-classical computing: feasible versus infeasible. In: ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010 International Academic Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 April 2010,

Cockshott, P. and Renaud, K. (2010) Extending handivote to handle digital economic decisions. In: ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010 International Academic Research Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 April 2010,

Cockshott, W.P., Mackenzie, L. and Michaelson, G. (2010) Non-Classical Computing: Feasible Versus Infeasible. In: ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010, Edinburgh, UK, 14-16 April 2010,

Cockshott, W.P. and Cottrell, A. (2008) Probabilistic political economy and endogenous money. In: Probabilistic Political Economy Conference, London, UK, 14-17 Jul 2008, (Unpublished)

Xiao, Y., Siebert, J.P. and Cockshott, W.P. (2008) A content-adaptive method for fractional image rescaling based on constrained seam carving. In: IAENG International Conference on Imaging Engineering, Hong Kong, China, 19-21 Mar 2008,

Xiao, Y., Siebert, J.P. and Cockshott, W.P. (2007) A content-adaptive method for fractional image rescaling based on constrained seam carving. In: International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, 21-23 March 2007,

Cockshott, W.P., Balasuriya, S.L., Gunawan, I.P. and Siebert, J.P. (2007) Image enhancement using vector quantisation based interpolation. In: British Machine Vision Conference, University of Warwick, 10-13 September 2007,

Cockshott, W.P., Seibert, J.P., Balasuriya, S.L. and Gunawan, I.P. (2007) Vector quantisation based image enhancement. In: British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2007, Warwick, 2007,

Renaud, K. and Cockshott, W.P. (2007) Electronic plebiscites. In: MeTTeG07, Camerino, 27-28 September 2007,

Brugnot, S., Ju, X., Cockshott, W.P. and Siebert, J.P. (2006) A resolution-independent image representation for digital cinema. In: The 14th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2006), Bory, Czech Republic, 30 Jan - 3 Feb 2006,

Mao, Z., Siebert, J.P. , Cockshott, W.P. and Ayoub, A.F. (2004) A coordinate-free method for the analysis of 3D facial change. In: SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, 14-19 Feb 2004,

Vicar, D.M., Ford, S., Borland, E., Rixon, R., Patterson, J. and Cockshott, W.P. (2004) 3D performance capture for facial animation. In: 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-9 September 2004, pp. 4255-49. ISBN 9780769522234 (doi: 10.1109/TDPVT.2004.1335140)


PCT/GB03/004831 (2004) Cardiac Imaging. .

US patent 6438268 (2002) Vector Quantization Codebook Generation Method. .

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 16:31:29 2024 BST.

Research datasets

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Number of items: 1.


Chimeh, M., Cockshott, P., OEHLER, S., Tousimogarad, A. and Xu, T. (2015) Compiling vector pascal to the Xeon Phi. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Fri Oct 4 21:15:57 2024 BST.