Widening Participation Privacy Statement - What we do with your Data

The information below should be read alongside each University of Glasgow Widening Participation pre-entry programme’s privacy statement and provides further detail on each of the categories of data that we collect, why we do so and what we do with it. The information provided should be read by anyone participating on any of the following University of Glasgow pre-entry programmes –

Why are we collecting data over two forms?

We need you to complete two forms when registering for one of our programmes in academic year 2020-21.  The first form you complete will enable the University of Glasgow to generate a 'Glasgow University Unique Identifier' or GUID.  Your GUID will give you access to the University's Microsoft Teams platform, which each of the programmes will be using to deliver their materials.  The second form allows us to collect all the remaining data that we need to support your participation in and progression through any of the programmes.

What types of data we collect and why we need it

We collect information relating to any disability you may have to ensure that adequate support is provided during all contact with you, for example in school, college or on the University campus, or online.

We also collect data on gender and ethnicity, which is used to monitor the equality and diversity of our programmes. You will never be able to be identified from this monitoring process because your data will only ever be used anonymously and as part of a total amount for one or more of our programmes. We include this data within reports we produce for the University of Glasgow, for research and evaluation, and for partners and funders such as the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Government and Local Authorities (also sometimes referred to as your Council area, e.g. Glasgow City Council, North Lanarkshire Council etc.).

We require an e-mail address and telephone number to allow us to contact you with important information such as performance on a pre-entry programme, upcoming events or deadlines for university applications.

Your name, nationality, country of residence, date of birth (DOB) and Scottish Candidate Number (SCN) will allow us to identify you amongst applicants to the University of Glasgow and other universities.

Your postal address, postcode and school will help us to ensure you benefit from any appropriate adjustments to entry requirements at the University of Glasgow and other universities.

We collect data on your qualifications such as Highers and Advanced Highers, including exam results obtained or to be taken, to ensure that participants are studying the correct subjects and achieving the required grades for entry, and to allow us to advise you accordingly of your options for studying at University.

We collect other categories of data to identify the appropriate level of support for you via our pre-entry programmes. These include:

  • care experience 
  • being a carer 
  • estrangement from family support 
  • asylum seeker status
  • refugee status
  • personal or parental eligibility for certain benefits e.g. Educational Maintenance Allowance, College Bursary, clothing grant, free school meals, Housing Benefit, tax credits. 

These categories help us to gain a more rounded picture of you and your personal circumstances. It is beneficial for us to have this information in advance of any application you may make to the University of Glasgow for the following reasons –

  • To allow us to provide the maximum support as appropriate both before you apply, during the application and admission process and throughout your time studying at the University of Glasgow. 
  • To determine the type of admissions offer an applicant may receive. For example, there are certain categories which would result in an applicant being asked to achieve less than the standard requirements for entry. This is often referred to as ‘contextual admissions’.

What we do with your data and whom we share it with

Personal data, and other information relating to your participation in a University of Glasgow pre-entry programme (those listed above), may be shared with the following –

  • The nominated contact in the school you attend
  • Relevant staff within the Local Authority in which you live
  • The appropriate admissions staff within the University of Glasgow and other universities to which you have applied
  • Authorised widening participation staff within other universities to which you have applied and with whom we work in partnership.
  • The Scottish Funding Council
  • The Scottish Government Education Analytical Services Division

Any data included in reports for the Scottish Funding Council and Local Authorities, to help us understand the success and determine the effectiveness of our work, will only be done so anonymously and as part of a total amount, so you will never be identifiable.

Your data may also be used anonymously and as part of a total amount by the University of Glasgow Widening Participation staff to evaluate the impact and performance of our programmes and provision.

University of Glasgow Widening Participation staff may contact you in the future to find out about your progress and ask for your reflections on any activities in which you participated or any support you received from any pre-entry programmes in which you participated.

What data we share with the Scottish Government Education Analytical Services Division (EAS) and how it is used

School, Gender, DOB and SCN are the categories of data that we share with the Scottish Government Educational Analytical Services Division (EAS).

The data that we share with EAS is not anonymous as it is for inclusion within the Scottish Governments Insight database.  Insight is the national database that schools and local authorities use to hold exam results for all pupils in S4-S6.  All your SQA results and any other SCQF accredited courses you complete are given Insight points.  Your school and local authority will use the combined Insight points from all pupils in your school to compare with others and identify areas of success or where improvements can be made for learners. No personal data is available to view by anyone accessing the Insight database.  Reach, Top-Up, Summer School and Access are all SCQF accredited courses and a pass in any of these programmes adds Insight points.  By sharing data with EAS, the additional points for pupils and schools are added to the Insight database.

We will only collect data that we need in order to provide and oversee the above services to you.