Modern Languages

Modern languages

All our courses are now aligned to the Common European Framework for Languages, which defines levels from Beginners A1-A2, to Intermediate B1-B2 and Proficiency C1-C2. Please see see details below.

Beginners A1

In this course you will develop basic communication skills in the language, learning how to greet people, exchange personal details, talk about yourself and your daily life, as well as interact in common everyday situations (shops, restaurants, hotels, etc.). You will also develop basic cultural awareness of the areas where the language is spoken.

Post-Beginners A2

In this course you will build on your basic communication skills by adding further vocabulary and grammar to your repertoire in order to give and request extended personal and family details, describe people and objects and use the language in a wider range of daily situations (request information, book train tickets, ask for directions, etc.) you may encounter when travelling to the areas where the language is spoken, as well as develop further cultural awareness.

Improvers A2+

In this course you will expand your basic communication skills in order to interact with speakers of the language in daily situations and familiar matters. You will develop your range of vocabulary and grammar, becoming more independent and being able to talk about yourself, your experiences and your environment. You will also be able to use the language to deal with routine situations you may encounter when travelling to the areas where the language is spoken, making use of your increased cultural awareness.

Lower Intermediate B1

In this course you will start to develop independent communication skills, allowing you to interact in daily situations with a degree of confidence, initiating, maintaining and closing simple conversations. You will be able to use vocabulary and grammar to give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans, and describe experiences on familiar personal, professional matters and current events.  You will develop further cultural awareness, increasing your understanding of the areas where the language is spoken.

Intermediate B1+

In this course, you will become more confident in your use of the language, interacting with others at a personal and professional level. You will learn how to deal with situations encountered in the areas where the language is spoken, linking stretches of language to communicate effectively in a number of general and work-related topics. Your increased cultural awareness will help you understand aspects that go beyond what is being said.

Intermediate B2

In this course you will learn how to interact with speakers of the language with a higher degree of fluency, being able to understand and express opinions and points of view on a wide range of topical issues, including social, job related and technical. You will encounter more complex topics, both concrete and abstract, and be able to communicate with others in an appropriate, culturally aware manner.

Advanced C1

In this course you will have the opportunity to develop and use your language skills flexibly and effectively in complex and abstract topics at a social, professional and academic level. You will polish and perfect the qualitative aspects of the language to help you express yourself with clarity precision and accuracy, as well as gain a deeper awareness of the cultural aspects of the language and its speakers. 

If you would like to know your level according to the Common European Framework please refer to the Self assessment grid or assess your level online at



British Sign Language

British Sign Language Course Structure

Unit 1

(20 hours)

This course is recommended for absolute beginners who have had very little or no contact with British Sign Language before.

Course aims:

  • Develop Deaf awareness skills;
  • Introduce basic, familiar everyday expressions;
  • Become familiar with the basics of fingerspelling.


Unit 2

(20 hours)

This course is recommended for learners who have completed Unit 1 or studied a minimum of 20 hours in the language.

Course aims:

  • Introduce basic, familiar everyday expressions and very simple;
  • Develop basic productive and receptive skills;
  • Introduce a limited range of basic signs;
  • Become familiar with additional signing components (fingerspelling, signing space, placement and facial expressions).


Unit 3

(20 hours)

This course is recommended for learners who have completed Unit 2 or studied a minimum of 40 hours in the language.

Course aims:

  • Further your knowledge of basic, familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases to satisfy specific needs;
  • Develop productive and receptive skills;
  • Expand your range of basic signs;
  • Develop the use of additional signing and non-manual components (fingerspelling, signing space, placement and facial expressions).


Unit 4 Conversation class

(20 hours)

This course is recommended for learners who have completed Unit 3 or studied a minimum of 60 hours in the language.

Course aims:

  • Practise your knowledge of basic, familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases to satisfy specific needs;
  • Further develop productive and receptive skills;
  • Expand your range of signs;
  • Develop communication tactics and non-manual components (fingerspelling, signing space, placement and facial expressions).