Latin American urban development into the 21st century: Comparative perspectives from Africa, Asia, Europe and Scotland


  • Dennis Rodgers (Professor of Urban Social and Political Research, University of Glasgow)
  • Gareth Jones (Reader in Development Geography, London School of Economics and Political Science)
  • Jo Beal (Director, Education and Society, British Council and Colleagues from Urban Studies

2.30-5.30pm, Senate Room

This event marks the publication of Latin American Urban Development into the 21st century (co-edited by Dennis Rodgers, Jo Beall, and Ravi Kanbur, published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), the first volume in almost twenty years to offer an overview of the key issues relating to the changing nature of contemporary urban life in Latin America.

The 20th century witnessed global urbanization on an unprecedented scale, and for the first time in human history more than half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas. Latin America is the developing world's most urbanized region, with over 75 per cent of its population currently residing in towns and cities, and arguably constitutes something of an urban laboratory. Although many of its trends are regionally specific, there also exist clear commonalities with other regions of the world, and much can be learned from the Latin American experience and the future direction it is taking.

The volume will be presented by two of the three editors, commented on by Gareth A. Jones, following which a panel of experts will then consider the relevance of the Latin American urban development experience for Africa, Asia, Europe, and Scotland.


2:30-45pm Welcome & presentation of the event – Dennis Rodgers (Professor, Urban Studies, University of Glasgow) 
2:45-3:15pm Critical comments on the book – Gareth A. Jones (Reader, Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics)
3:15-3:30pm Reply – Dennis Rodgers & Jo Beall (Director, Education & Society, British Council)
3:30pm-3:45pm Q&A
3:45pm-4:15pm Coffee break

Panel discussion:

  • Jo Beall (Chair)
  • Ken Gibbs (Professor, Urban Studies, University of Glasgow)
  • Amin Kamete (Senior Lecturer, Urban Studies, University of Glasgow)
  • Keith Kintrea (Professor, Urban Studies, University of Glasgow)
  • Ya-Ping Wang (Professor, School of the Built Environment, Heriot Watt University)
5:15-5:30pm Q&A
5:30pm Drinks reception

All welcome

For further information please contact Mark Livingston (, 0141 330 6162) or Julie Clark (, 0141 330 4516).

First published: 13 September 2012