Joint seminar with GSERN (Glasgow South-East Europe Research Network)

André Bywater, University of Glasgow
EU integration and assistance projects - A lawyer's inside view of how they work in practice

Wed 22 February 2012
5.00pm for 5.30
CEES Seminar Room, 8-9 Lilybank Gardens

André Bywater is a dual British-French national and a UK-trained lawyer (barrister & solicitor) who was previously based in Brussels for 14 years. He is an EU specialist and has worked for the past 12 years on EU assistance and other funded projects in the following countries: Bosnia & Hercegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; the Czech Republic; Hungary; Kosovo; Moldova; Poland; Romania; Slovakia; Turkey; and, the Ukraine. He is currently studying for the 1-year postgraduate diploma in Russian at Glasgow University.


“My main aim in the seminar is to give the audience an idea of what EU-funded projects to assist other countries are all about giving an inside view based on my experience, especially from a practical point. I'll introduce myself from the professional perspective and set this in the context of the projects that I've worked on. I'll remind the audience about the EU enlargement process over the years and say a bit about the process of joining the EU explaining that if you want to join the club then you have to take on board all the EU rules, policy and practice. I'll then explain that the EU funds various types of projects to help these countries join the EU club and discuss how these projects are tendered and procured, i.e how to get these projects and explain in a bit of detail these requirements. I'll then talk about what types of activities are undertaken on the projects, such as training and ad hoc advice. I'll then mention some of the many challenges to face on these projects, with reference to examples in my particular experience. I'll also discuss my personal perspective about these projects such as their successes and failures. I'll then look to the future and say a few words about the current and future situation and prospects for the further expansion of the EU and provide a few personal predictions. Finally, I'll end by trying to encourage people to work on these projects and provide a few practical details about what people can do to try and work on these projects.”

All Welcome - Tea and coffee available

Tel: +44 (0)141 330 5585

This seminar series is supported by the University of Glasgow MacFie Bequest

First published: 4 November 2011