Prof. Mikhail Maslovskiy
Faculty of Social Sciences, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

The two modules of the course will explore political institutions and processes in contemporary Russia. Various approaches to the problematic of post-communist politics will be discussed. In particular, works of Russian scholars such as Lilia Shevtsova, Vladimir Gel’man and Lev Gudkov will be used. The course will consider the character of the Russian political regime, the obstacles to democratization and the role of civil society. Special attention will be devoted to the revival of a pro-democratic social movement since the end of 2011.

Wednesday 07 November 09.00 -11.00
Main Building Room 250
The Nature of the Political Regime in Russia in the 2000s


  • Gel’man V. (2010) Regime changes despite legitimacy crises: Exit, voice and loyalty in post-communist Russia. Journal of Eurasian Studies. 1: 54-63.
  • Gudkov L. (2009) Priroda putinizma. Vestnik obshchestvennogo mneniya. 3: 6-21.
  • Hanson S. (2006) Post-imperial democracies: Ideology and party formation in Third Republic France, Weimar Germany and post-Soviet Russia. East European Politics and Societies. 20(2): 343-372.
  • Hassner P. (2008) Russia’s transition to autocracy. Journal of Democracy. 19(2): 5-15.
  • Lipset S. (1994) The social requisites of democracy revisited. American Sociological Review. 59(1): 1-22.
  • Motyl A. (2010) Russia’s systemic transformation since perestroika: From totalitarianism to authoritarianism to democracy to fascism? The Harriman Review. 17(2): 1-14.
  • Sakwa R. (2012) Modernisation, neo-modernisation and comparative democratization in Russia. East European Politics. 28(1): 43–57.
  • Shevtsova L. (2007) Post-communist Russia: A historic opportunity missed. International Affairs. 83(5): 891-912.

Wednesday 14 November 09.00 -11.00
Main Building Room 250
The Revival of a Pro-Democratic Social Movement


  • Aron L. (2012) Talking to the vanguard: Conversations with the new wave of Russia’s civil society opposition. Foreign Policy. No. 2. February 7, 2012.
  • Clement K. (2008) New social movements in Russia: A challenge to the dominant model of power relationships? Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 24(1): 68-89.
  • Gel’man V. (2012) Treshchiny v stene. Pro et Contra. January-April: 94-115.
  • Gudkov L. (2012) Sotsialnyi capital i ideologicheskie orientatsii. Pro et Contra. May-June: 6-31.
  • Meyer D. (2001) Protest and political process. In K. Nash and A. Scott (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology. Oxford: Blackwell. Pp. 164-172.
  • Olimpieva E. (2012) Russia’s protest movement: A view from a young participant. Russian Analytical Digest. No. 108. Duma Elections and Protests. Pp. 10-13. 
  • Robertson G. (2012) Russian protesters: Not optimistic but here to stay. Russian Analytical Digest. No. 115. Change and Continuity in Russia’s Political Environment. Pp. 2-4. 
  • Shevtsova L. (2012) Implosion, atrophy, or revolution? Journal of Democracy. 23(3): 19-32.

Part of the Erasmus Mundus IMRCEES Visiting Scholar Programme 2012-13
A programme of Masterclass Seminars and Modules for Postgraduate students in Russian, Central and East European Studies

Full programme: EM IMRCEES Visiting Scholar Programme 2012-13 (PDF)

First published: 21 September 2012