The TREEC team, in collaboration with CRCEES and GRAMNet (Glasgow Refugee Asylum and Migration Network), organised the following event as part of the ESRC’s Festival of Social Science. The event includes students from 5 Glasgow secondary schools.

Glasgow is home to a significant number of migrants originating from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This event explores understandings of place, place-making and home amongst school children with a specific focus on the countries from this region.

This 1-day event is part of ongoing efforts within CRCEES to develop greater awareness of these countries and their cultures within the broader community in Glasgow. It also links strongly with the work of the Glasgow University Research and Knowledge Exchange network GRAMNet and is supported by members of the ‘Children’ research cluster within that network.

The programme is available here: ESRC Festival of Social Sciences Programme 2011 (pdf).

First published: 24 October 2011