Dr Dimitris Skleparis joined the School of Social and Political Sciences working as a Research Associate for the research project Building Futures: Aspirations of Syrian Youth Refugees and Host Population Responses in Lebanon, Greece and the UK. Dimitris received his PhD in Political Science at Queen Mary University of London in 2015. His research interests cover areas of Critical Security Studies, and Migration and Refugee Studies, focusing on: one, processes of securitisation and desecuritisation of migration; two, the linkages between migration and the rise of far-right activism and extremism; three, the politics of migrant resistance; and, four, the drivers of forced migration to the EU. Prior to arriving at Glasgow, Dimitris worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in Athens, Greece, where he researched the 2015-2016 ‘migration crisis’, and migrant integration at the local level. He has worked for various ESRC- and EU-funded research projects, and has considerable media and consultancy experience."

First published: 12 January 2019

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