Jon Minton joins the School to work with Professor Gwilym Pryce for five years on the Urban Segmentation and Inequality Project (USIRP) as part of the Advanced Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN). Prior to joining, Jon worked as a health economist at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield, working with organisations such as NICE and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). His work at ScHARR has involved estimating the health impacts and cost-effectiveness of complex public health interventions. He hopes to be able to apply some of the principles and theories of health economics to his work at USIRP.

Jon has also worked as a systematic reviewer at the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), and a qualitative researcher at the Centre for Housing Policy (CHP), both at the University of York.

Jon has a PhD in quantitative sociology and human geography (York, in collaboration with Sheffield), which focused on the use of evidence in welfare reform, focusing on the Pathways to Work programme for incapacity benefits claimants (now employment and support allowance). This research led to a publication in the BMJ in 2012, describing trends over thirty years in the relationship between health and employment, which updated and expanded on a paper originally published in 1996.

More recently, research which had its origins in the PhD has been published in the International Journal of Epidemiology. This research shows how demographic data can be visualised to help identify a range of important changes in mortality in over forty nations and over many decades. The visualisations have a wide range of applications, were featured in the editorial of the same issue of the IJE and the Oxford University Press blog, and have been presented at a number of conferences and venues.

Having recently moved from the small city of York to the big city of Glasgow, Jon's current outside interests include opening cardboard boxes and not getting too lost.

First published: 7 October 2013

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