Neil Davidson, joining Sociology as a lecturer in July, is the author of The Origins of Scottish Nationhood (2000), Discovering the Scottish Revolution (2003), for which he was awarded the Deutscher Memorial Prize and the Fletcher of Saltoun Award, and How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois Revolutions? (2012). He has also co-edited and contributed to Alasdair MacIntyre's Engagement with Marxism (2008) and Neoliberal Scotland (2010).

Neil wrote his first books while working as a civil servant with the Scottish Executive, before beginning his academic career at the University of Strathclyde in 2007 with a major ESRC grant to investigate the relationship between ethnicity and class since the 1970s. He has published widely in journals including Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Capital and Class, Critique, Historical Materialism, Journal of Agrarian Change, Science and Society and Scottish Labour History.

Among Neil's areas of research are theories of revolution and development since the Enlightenment, nationalism and ethnicity, the relationship between capitalist economy and the nation-state, neoliberalism, and right-wing social movements. He is interested in the Scottish aspect of all these themes.

Among Neil's forthcoming works are a collection of essays on Marxist thinkers, Holding Fast to an Image of the Past (2013), a study of the theory of uneven and combined development, Violating All the Laws of History (2014) and the self-explanatory What Was Neoliberalism? (2014).


First published: 31 May 2013

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