Prizes for Excellent Teachers 2010-11

Published: 4 March 2011

The entire Central & East European Studies admin team has been nominated in the SRC's student-led teaching excellence awards scheme.

The entire Central & East European Studies admin team has been nominated in the new student-led 'Prizes for Excellent Teachers' (PETs) scheme run by the Students' Representative Council.

SRC Vice President Tuula Eriksson thanked the team for "the great work you put into teaching, support and advising of students at this University - your efforts have clearly not gone unnoticed by the students you have come in contact with this year."

Congratulations to all in CEES! We look forward to hearing the results of the award ceremony on 22 March.

Find more information about the PETs on the SRC website.

First published: 4 March 2011

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