Embracing university study as a mature student

Elaine McDermott, graduate of PgDip Housing Studies

I completed the Post Graduate Diploma (PgDip) in Housing Studies in 2022 but it had been a long time since I had last studied – 12 years to be precise!  

As a mature student, I was naturally worried about returning to study however I knew that it would benefit me and my career development. I was ready to learn again and experience something new. With support from family and colleagues, I was confident I could succeed and embrace this new opportunity. 

Having the chance to study and participate in the programme provides new challenges. Learning and communicating differently, having new focus, adapting to study, achieving and widening your knowledge, and meeting new people, from all over the world in some cases.  

Time management is important; being organised and having structure certainly helps with your work life balance. You can overcome any obstacle with the right mindset and a positive approach. 

It is important to commit as a student; do the recommended reading, research, listen and participate but most of all, enjoy it. Enjoy the experience, embrace the sights of campus and soak up the atmosphere – it is amazing what you can learn from others. 

The teaching is second to none and the knowledge and experience of the academic team is invaluable. Be encouraged to share what you have learned.  

Since achieving the qualification, I have no doubt that the knowledge I gained helped me with career progression, securing the role as Housing Manager. It also confirmed that, by asking those important questions, by challenging, contributing and participating, you can influence and make a difference in the sector. 

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