Undertaking a collaborative dissertation with Glasgow City Council

Constance Damiani, graduate of MSc City Planning

The City Planning MSc at the University of Glasgow was a joyful and engaging learning experience which allowed me to get an insight of the different fields that the planning profession can offer. I felt that there was continuity in the teaching and that the different courses responded well to each other as the year progressed. I thoroughly enjoyed working on case studies anchored in the city for each of the coursework assessments. They allowed me to discover and appreciate new areas of Glasgow and reinforce my understanding of the issues faced by the city and the way in which they are translated in the urban landscape.

With a team of classmates, we undertook a large piece of assignment to create and collate a Development Plan for some sections of the M8 in Glasgow to reimagine a sustainable future. This collaborative piece of work allowed us to be creative in our response and enhance numerous skills from data analysis, to critical thinking and hand-drawing to provide place-based solutions to a problem. Most of the courses gave creativity an important place in the students’ journey which allowed us to feel empowered and nurtured in our learning experience.

The College of Social Sciences was extremely valuable for my final dissertation. They helped me to take on a collaborative dissertation and I was introduced to policy planners from Glasgow City Council. I produced a final dissertation in collaboration with the Council which explored nature-based solutions for vacant and derelict lands around the city. The partner organisation brought me into contact with active actors within the sector which I interviewed through my data collection process. This final piece of work marked a positive end to my learning experience within the University.

I am currently working in the planning department of Glasgow Council and feel that the place-based knowledge and practical skills gained during the course have been valuable resources for my role.

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