Dr Luis Gomes

  • Senior Lecturer (Portuguese) (Hispanic Studies)

telephone: 01413305421
email: Luis.Gomes@glasgow.ac.uk

Room 221b Level 2, Hispanic Studies, School of Modern Languages, Glasgow G12 8QQ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-5628-7296

Research interests

Quando às vezes a mim por mim pergunto,
Quem fui responde que me não conhece

[When, at times, I ask myself about myself,
Who I was answers that he does not know me]

Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo CasteloBranco (1596)

Life is, indeed, emblematic.

My research interests are as interdisciplinary as the subjects themselves. Portugal and Spain were a united kingdom form 1580 to 1640, the period when the poet Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco published all of his work. Admired and vilified in equal measure by Portuguese readers, my work explores his literature from the perspective of a literary canon, patrimonialism, and repercussions - such as emblems. Quevedo was the first author to publish emblems in Portuguese, in Portugal (1596), and my work on emblem studies has sought to shed light on the role of emblems in Portuguese culture in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-centuries.

As Deputy Director of the Stirling Maxwell Centre for the Study of Text/Image Cultures, whose material holdings, via the riches of Glasgow University Library and the Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, are unrivalled, I support the study of emblems and their various guises (applied emblems, displayed emblems [Pedro Germano Leal, 2018]).


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2002
Number of items: 39.


Gomes, L. (2023) Emblems on Emblems: the Politics of Performance in Early Modern Festivals. Department of Art History Study Evening, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 11 June 2023. (Unpublished)


Gomes, L. and Gonçalves, M. M. (2021) The Portuguese Subjunctive: A Grammar Workbook. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780367441784 (doi: 10.4324/9781003008118)

Gomes, L. , Malecka, J., Ferreira, S. and Ribeiro, G. (2021) Universidade de Glasgow organiza reflexão sobre a diversidade da Língua Portuguesa = University of Glasgow reflects on Portuguese Language diversity. [Audio]

Gomes, L. , Malecka, J., Ribeiro, G., Ferreira, S., Reimão, A. and Marques, P. (2021) 1st International TROPO UK Symposium: Diversidade Linguística do Português: Oportunidades e Desafios pedagógicos = Linguistic Diversity of Portuguese: Opportunities and Pedagogical Challenges. Diversidade linguística do português: oportunidades e desafios pedagógicos, 26 Jun 2021.

Gomes, L. (2021) Trato neles como se as tivera estampadas: exceptions to emblemata muda. Renaissance Society of America Virtual 2021, 13-22 April 2021. (Unpublished)


Gomes, L. , Hudson, J. and Grove, L. (2020) Stirling Maxwell Centre for the Study of Text/Image Cultures. [Website]

Gomes, L. and MacArtney, H. (2020) The Exotic Otherness of Early Modern Imagery and Emblematics. 2022 MLA International Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 Jun 2022.

Gomes, L. (2020) The Emblem-Sonnet: A Novel Concept in Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco. Society for Emblem Studies 12th International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 25-30 Jul 2022.


Gomes, L. and Ferreira, S. (2019) A PET in Scottish Schools: a Portuguese as a Foreign/Heritage Language Strategy. 8th International Conference of the Association of British and Irish Lusitanists (ABIL), Edinburgh, 6-7 September 2019. (Unpublished)

Gomes, L. and Sousa Martins, A. (2019) Leitura Extensiva e Aquisição de Vocabulário: Observações Preliminares. TROPO-UK 1st Conference, King's College, London, 15th June 2019. (Unpublished)


Gomes, L. and Young, W. (2018) LusoFilm - Portuguese Film Festival, Glasgow. [Exhibitions]

Gomes, L. and Machado Letria, S. (2018) Post-screening Q&A with Sérgio Machado Letria, Director of the Saramago Foundation, Lisbon (Portugal), moderated by Dr Luis Gomes, on 'The Stone Raft' ('A Jangada de Pedra'), based on the homonymous novel by the Portuguese Nobel-prize winner José Saramago. LusoFilm - Portuguese Film Festival, Glasgow, UK, 01-03 Jun 2018.

Castro, J. E., Fowler, B. and Gomes, L. (Eds.) (2018) Time, Science and the Critique of Technological Reason: Essays in Honour of Hermínio Martins. Series: St Antony's series. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783319715186

Gomes, L. , Guariento, B. and Rolinska, A. (2018) UofG welcomes Palestinian students. [Website]


Gomes, L. (2016) Emblematic Arches – Contributions to Reading a Hapsburg Festival. The 2016 Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 04-06 Apr 2016. (Unpublished)

Gomes, L. (2016) Portuguese studies: literature, 1500–1700. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 76, pp. 218-227. (doi: 10.5699/yearworkmodlang.76.2014.0218)


Gomes, L. (2015) Juan Baños de Velasco y Acevedo - Emblems in Everyday Life. Emblems in Everyday Life, University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections, 2-4 September 2015.


Gomes, L. (2014) Maria Carmen Marín Pina and Víctor Infantes, eds., Poesía y Prosa Contra España: Emblemas del Perfecto Español y Rodomuntadas Españolas ([Palma de Mallorca]: José J. de Olañeta, 2013). Pp. 216. ISBN 978-8497168465. €15.00. Emblematica, 21, pp. 438-441. [Book Review]


Gomes, L. (2013) Trent, bait, and deceit - Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo: 'Às Relíquias de S. Cruz de Coimbra’. In: Parkinson, S. and Pazos Alonso, C. (eds.) Reading Literature in Portuguese: Commentaries in Honour of Tom Earle. Legenda: Oxford, pp. 101-108. ISBN 9781907975622

Gomes, L. (2013) Festschrift Pedro Campa
 In Nocte Consilium. Studies in Emblematics in Honor of Pedro F. Campa. Edited by John T. Cull and Peter M. Daly. (SAECVLA SPIRITALIA 46) Baden-Baden: Verlag Valentin Koerner, 2011. 516 pp., 77 illustrations. Society for Emblem Studies - Newsletter(52), pp. 33-35. [Book Review]


Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: A identidade e o PLE. Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(6), p. 8.

Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: Discos numa ilha deserta. Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(2), p. 8.

Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: Just say it! Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(1), p. 8.

Gomes, L. (2012) Book review: Maria Louro Berbara and Karl A. E. Enenkel, eds. Portuguese Humanism and the Republic of Letters. Renaissance Quarterly, 65(4), pp. 1185-1187. (doi: 10.1086/669360)[Book Review]

Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: Os conteúdos adequados de Sophia / The suitability of Sophia. Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(4), pp. 12-13.

Gomes, L. (2012) On painting and poetry: reflexions on art and literature in sixteenth-century Portugal. Românica(21), pp. 125-144.

Gomes, L. (2012) Review of Bradley J. Nelson, 'The Persistence of Presence: Emblems and Ritual in Baroque Spain' (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010). Emblematica, 19, pp. 305-310. [Book Review]


Gomes, L. , Macartney, H. and Holloway, A. (2011) Iberian Era brought to life through art. [Website]


Gomes, L. (2010) An emblematic vision of the sea: Claudie Balavoine on Spanish marine emblems. Emblematica, 18,

Gomes, L. (2010) Rare first edition moved to Special Collections. [Website]

Gomes, L. (2010) Emblemática nos sonetos religiosos de Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco. In: Arellano, I. and Pereira, A.M. (eds.) Emblemética y religión en la Península Ibérica : (Siglo de Oro). Series: Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 63. Iberoamericana: Madrid, pp. 209-226. ISBN 9788484894742


Gomes, L. (2009) Emblema. In: Ceia, C. (ed.) E-Dicionário de Termos Literários (EDTL). Universidade Nova de Lisboa. ISBN 9892000889

Gomes, L. (Ed.) (2009) Mosaics of Meaning: Studies in Portuguese Emblematics. Series: Glasgow emblem studies. Glasgow Emblem Studies: Glasgow, UK. ISBN 9780852618424

Gomes, L. (2009) The seventeenth century. In: Parkinson, S., Pazos Alonso, C. and Earle, T.F. (eds.) A Companion to Portuguese Literature. Series: Colección Támesis: Serie A, Monografías (282). Tamesis: Woodbridge, UK, pp. 97-101. ISBN 9781855661943


Cardador, L. and Gomes, L. (2008) Ondjaki and Lusophone African cinema. [Audio]

Gomes, L. (2008) Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco: emblems in Portuguese. In: Gomes, L. (ed.) Mosaics of Meaning: Studies in Portuguese Emblematics. Series: Glasgow emblem studies (13). Glasgow Emblem Studies: Glasgow, UK, pp. 41-64. ISBN 9780852618424


Arbiol, P. and Dias, M. (2006) Atena, a Deusa da Sabedoria e Outros Mitos Gregos. Series: Mitologia grega, 1. Solutions by Heart: Porto Salvo (Portugal). ISBN 9789728981068

Arbiol, P. and Dias, M. (2006) A Caixa de Pandora e Outros Mitos Gregos. Series: Mitologia grega, 2. Solutions by Heart: Porto Salvo (Portugal). ISBN 9789728981075


Gomes, L. (2002) Les sonnets en castillan de Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco: un cas d'artifice. In: La Littérature d'Auteurs Portugais en Langue Castillane. Series: Arquivos do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian (44). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lisbon, Potugal, pp. 127-139. ISBN 9789728462253

This list was generated on Thu Oct 3 11:59:57 2024 BST.
Number of items: 39.


Gomes, L. (2016) Portuguese studies: literature, 1500–1700. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 76, pp. 218-227. (doi: 10.5699/yearworkmodlang.76.2014.0218)

Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: A identidade e o PLE. Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(6), p. 8.

Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: Discos numa ilha deserta. Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(2), p. 8.

Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: Just say it! Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(1), p. 8.

Gomes, L. (2012) New to Portuguese: Os conteúdos adequados de Sophia / The suitability of Sophia. Newsletter Coordenação do Ensino Português no Reino Unido e Ilhas do Canal(4), pp. 12-13.

Gomes, L. (2012) On painting and poetry: reflexions on art and literature in sixteenth-century Portugal. Românica(21), pp. 125-144.

Gomes, L. (2010) An emblematic vision of the sea: Claudie Balavoine on Spanish marine emblems. Emblematica, 18,


Gomes, L. and Gonçalves, M. M. (2021) The Portuguese Subjunctive: A Grammar Workbook. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780367441784 (doi: 10.4324/9781003008118)

Arbiol, P. and Dias, M. (2006) Atena, a Deusa da Sabedoria e Outros Mitos Gregos. Series: Mitologia grega, 1. Solutions by Heart: Porto Salvo (Portugal). ISBN 9789728981068

Arbiol, P. and Dias, M. (2006) A Caixa de Pandora e Outros Mitos Gregos. Series: Mitologia grega, 2. Solutions by Heart: Porto Salvo (Portugal). ISBN 9789728981075

Book Sections

Gomes, L. (2013) Trent, bait, and deceit - Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo: 'Às Relíquias de S. Cruz de Coimbra’. In: Parkinson, S. and Pazos Alonso, C. (eds.) Reading Literature in Portuguese: Commentaries in Honour of Tom Earle. Legenda: Oxford, pp. 101-108. ISBN 9781907975622

Gomes, L. (2010) Emblemática nos sonetos religiosos de Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco. In: Arellano, I. and Pereira, A.M. (eds.) Emblemética y religión en la Península Ibérica : (Siglo de Oro). Series: Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, 63. Iberoamericana: Madrid, pp. 209-226. ISBN 9788484894742

Gomes, L. (2009) Emblema. In: Ceia, C. (ed.) E-Dicionário de Termos Literários (EDTL). Universidade Nova de Lisboa. ISBN 9892000889

Gomes, L. (2009) The seventeenth century. In: Parkinson, S., Pazos Alonso, C. and Earle, T.F. (eds.) A Companion to Portuguese Literature. Series: Colección Támesis: Serie A, Monografías (282). Tamesis: Woodbridge, UK, pp. 97-101. ISBN 9781855661943

Gomes, L. (2008) Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco: emblems in Portuguese. In: Gomes, L. (ed.) Mosaics of Meaning: Studies in Portuguese Emblematics. Series: Glasgow emblem studies (13). Glasgow Emblem Studies: Glasgow, UK, pp. 41-64. ISBN 9780852618424

Gomes, L. (2002) Les sonnets en castillan de Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco: un cas d'artifice. In: La Littérature d'Auteurs Portugais en Langue Castillane. Series: Arquivos do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian (44). Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lisbon, Potugal, pp. 127-139. ISBN 9789728462253

Book Reviews

Gomes, L. (2014) Maria Carmen Marín Pina and Víctor Infantes, eds., Poesía y Prosa Contra España: Emblemas del Perfecto Español y Rodomuntadas Españolas ([Palma de Mallorca]: José J. de Olañeta, 2013). Pp. 216. ISBN 978-8497168465. €15.00. Emblematica, 21, pp. 438-441. [Book Review]

Gomes, L. (2013) Festschrift Pedro Campa
 In Nocte Consilium. Studies in Emblematics in Honor of Pedro F. Campa. Edited by John T. Cull and Peter M. Daly. (SAECVLA SPIRITALIA 46) Baden-Baden: Verlag Valentin Koerner, 2011. 516 pp., 77 illustrations. Society for Emblem Studies - Newsletter(52), pp. 33-35. [Book Review]

Gomes, L. (2012) Book review: Maria Louro Berbara and Karl A. E. Enenkel, eds. Portuguese Humanism and the Republic of Letters. Renaissance Quarterly, 65(4), pp. 1185-1187. (doi: 10.1086/669360)[Book Review]

Gomes, L. (2012) Review of Bradley J. Nelson, 'The Persistence of Presence: Emblems and Ritual in Baroque Spain' (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010). Emblematica, 19, pp. 305-310. [Book Review]

Edited Books

Castro, J. E., Fowler, B. and Gomes, L. (Eds.) (2018) Time, Science and the Critique of Technological Reason: Essays in Honour of Hermínio Martins. Series: St Antony's series. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783319715186

Gomes, L. (Ed.) (2009) Mosaics of Meaning: Studies in Portuguese Emblematics. Series: Glasgow emblem studies. Glasgow Emblem Studies: Glasgow, UK. ISBN 9780852618424

Conference or Workshop Item

Gomes, L. (2023) Emblems on Emblems: the Politics of Performance in Early Modern Festivals. Department of Art History Study Evening, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 11 June 2023. (Unpublished)

Gomes, L. , Malecka, J., Ribeiro, G., Ferreira, S., Reimão, A. and Marques, P. (2021) 1st International TROPO UK Symposium: Diversidade Linguística do Português: Oportunidades e Desafios pedagógicos = Linguistic Diversity of Portuguese: Opportunities and Pedagogical Challenges. Diversidade linguística do português: oportunidades e desafios pedagógicos, 26 Jun 2021.

Gomes, L. (2021) Trato neles como se as tivera estampadas: exceptions to emblemata muda. Renaissance Society of America Virtual 2021, 13-22 April 2021. (Unpublished)

Gomes, L. and MacArtney, H. (2020) The Exotic Otherness of Early Modern Imagery and Emblematics. 2022 MLA International Symposium, Glasgow, UK, 2-4 Jun 2022.

Gomes, L. (2020) The Emblem-Sonnet: A Novel Concept in Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco. Society for Emblem Studies 12th International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 25-30 Jul 2022.

Gomes, L. and Ferreira, S. (2019) A PET in Scottish Schools: a Portuguese as a Foreign/Heritage Language Strategy. 8th International Conference of the Association of British and Irish Lusitanists (ABIL), Edinburgh, 6-7 September 2019. (Unpublished)

Gomes, L. and Sousa Martins, A. (2019) Leitura Extensiva e Aquisição de Vocabulário: Observações Preliminares. TROPO-UK 1st Conference, King's College, London, 15th June 2019. (Unpublished)

Gomes, L. and Machado Letria, S. (2018) Post-screening Q&A with Sérgio Machado Letria, Director of the Saramago Foundation, Lisbon (Portugal), moderated by Dr Luis Gomes, on 'The Stone Raft' ('A Jangada de Pedra'), based on the homonymous novel by the Portuguese Nobel-prize winner José Saramago. LusoFilm - Portuguese Film Festival, Glasgow, UK, 01-03 Jun 2018.

Gomes, L. (2016) Emblematic Arches – Contributions to Reading a Hapsburg Festival. The 2016 Conference of the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 04-06 Apr 2016. (Unpublished)

Gomes, L. (2015) Juan Baños de Velasco y Acevedo - Emblems in Everyday Life. Emblems in Everyday Life, University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections, 2-4 September 2015.


Gomes, L. and Young, W. (2018) LusoFilm - Portuguese Film Festival, Glasgow. [Exhibitions]


Gomes, L. , Malecka, J., Ferreira, S. and Ribeiro, G. (2021) Universidade de Glasgow organiza reflexão sobre a diversidade da Língua Portuguesa = University of Glasgow reflects on Portuguese Language diversity. [Audio]

Cardador, L. and Gomes, L. (2008) Ondjaki and Lusophone African cinema. [Audio]


Gomes, L. , Hudson, J. and Grove, L. (2020) Stirling Maxwell Centre for the Study of Text/Image Cultures. [Website]

Gomes, L. , Guariento, B. and Rolinska, A. (2018) UofG welcomes Palestinian students. [Website]

Gomes, L. , Macartney, H. and Holloway, A. (2011) Iberian Era brought to life through art. [Website]

Gomes, L. (2010) Rare first edition moved to Special Collections. [Website]

This list was generated on Thu Oct 3 11:59:57 2024 BST.


Areas of supervision:

Portuguese emblem literature; Portuguese literature of the late 16th century - early 17th century; Early-Modern Festival.

Marianna Silvano, Comparative Study in Language Games: the Case of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Fernando Pessoa, unpublished MLitt Dissertation Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2017.


Course Convener:

  • Portuguese Language (Beginner) 
  • Portuguese Language 2
  • Golden Age Iberian Literature (Honours Option)
  • Senior Honours Portuguese

Additional information

  • Camões Institute Lecturer
  • General Editor for Portuguese re (1500 – 1750)’, Modern Humanities Research Association's Year's Work in Modern Language Studies.
  • Portuguese Studies programme Director
  • Study Abroad Adviser (Portuguese Studies).
  • Internationalisation Officer, School of Modern Languages and Cultures (2011-2013).
  • Mobility (Student) Coordinator, College of Arts (2011-2016)