Professor Faisal Ahmed

After receiving his training in Edinburgh, London and Cambridge, Faisal Ahmed was appointed as a Consultant at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow in 2000. Following a brief period as the Leonard Gow Lecturer between 2007 and 2009, he was appointed as the Samson Gemmell Chair of Child Health in 2012. He led the development of the children’s CRF at Yorkhill, the Office for Rare Conditions, Glasgow and the Glasgow Paediatric Research Day, now in its 15th year. His clinical and research activity has focussed on people with rare endocrine conditions and he has played leading roles in EuroDSD (EUFP7, 2008-2011), I-DSD (MRC, 2011-2017), DSDnet (COST Action BM1303, 2013-2018), Endo-ERN (2016-2022), EuRRECa (EU HaDEA, 2018-2022, EU4H 2024-2028), EuRR-Bone (EU HaDEA, 2020-2023, EU4H 2024-2028) and GloBE-Reg (2022-2026, GenSci, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer). His involvement in EU projects led to his appointment at Leiden University as Professor of Endocrine Registries in 2019. In 2021, he was awarded the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Research Award and in 2024 he started as the Editor in Chief of Endocrine Connections. Faisal Ahmed takes particular delight in overseeing the undergraduate and postgraduate prizes that the University awards every year in the field of paediatrics.


Professor Chris Halsey

Professor Christina Halsey is a Professor of Paediatric Haemato-Oncology, Head of School of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow and an Honorary NHS Consultant Paediatric Haematologist. In addition to her clinical and Head of School role, she is leader of the Childhood Leukaemia Research Group where she investigates mechanisms of central nervous system disease in childhood ALL and ways to reduce treatment related toxicity in this condition. This work is supported by a CRUK Programme Award: "Targeting metabolic reprogramming to develop more effective and less toxic treatments for central nervous system involvement in paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia”.  Professor Halsey is the Chief Investigator of the UK BioCAN study (Biomarkers and discovery of new therapeutic targets for chemotherapy associated neurotoxicity). She is also a member of the International BFM (iBFM) Childhood Leukaemia Study Group and sits on the ALLTogether Scientific Advisory Committee. Professor Halsey is Chair of the Children with Cancer UK Scientific Advisory panel and Chair of the Neurotoxicity working party of the International Ponte di Legno/iBFM Toxicity Working Group who have been undertaking a deep phenotyping effort of neurotoxicity occurring on frontline paediatric ALL protocols. She is passionate about supporting early-career researchers, patient and public engagement in research and team science

Professor Lawrence Weaver

Lawrence Weaver was Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health from 1996 to 2011. Formerly a Clinical Scientist at the Dunn Nutrition Unit in Cambridge and Consultant Paediatrician at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, he joined the University of Glasgow as Reader in Human Nutrition in 1994. His clinical and scientific interests are in gastroenterology and nutrition.