2024 Child Health Prizes and Awards

Undergraduate Prizes

2024 RCPCH Prize Winner

The 2024 RCPCH Prize was awarded to Year 5 MB ChB student, Kerry Hutchison, following her successful application for nomination on behalf of the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing. 

2024 Yorkhill Portfolio Prize Winners

The 2024 Yorkhill Porfolio prize of £750 and the Yorkhill medal was awarded to Year 5 MB ChB student, Caoimhe McCafferey. 

Runner-up prize of £250 was awarded to Year 5 MB ChB student, Kerry Hutchison.

2024 Yorkhill Essay Prize Winners

The 2024 Yorkhill Essay prize of £750 was awarded to Year 1 MB ChB student, Emmanuel Gebreyes for his essay entitled, "The Hidden Cost: How ACEs Impact Health and Prosperity on an Individual and Societal Basis".  

Runner-up prize of £250 was awarded to Year 1 MB ChB student, Sarah Gilhooley for her essay entitled, "The importance of integrated care on the future of paediatrcs"

2024 Hall Prize Winner

The 2024 Hall Prize was awarded to Year 5 MB ChB student, James Osborne.


Postgraduate Prizes 

2024 Harry Stewart Hutchison Prize Winner

The 2024 Harry Stewart Hutchison prize was awarded to Dr Frances Butterworth, following submission of the research abstract  "Can transcutaneous bilirubinometry safely be used to monitor rebound hyperbilirubinaemia after phototherapy in neonates ≥ 35 weeks’ gestation? A prospective, comparative study"


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