Student Selected Components

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for the MBChB degree programme

Student Selected Components (SSCs) complement the selective nature of the core MBChB degree programme by offering the students the opportunity to choose subjects they wish to study.  This fulfils the GMC requirement which stated in the 2009 edition of Tomorrow’s Doctor’s that a minimum of 10% of the curriculum time should be made available for student choice (use to recommend more) and still place importance to this aspect in the updated Outcomes for graduates documents.

It is for each UK medical school to design its own SSC programme to suits its own circumstances and at the University of Glasgow this takes the form of 5 week dedicated blocks selected by students from a wide range of options and are undertaken in years 2, 3 and 4 of the curriculum.  SSCs are delivered across a variety of teaching formats and cover topics such as research projects, the study of core curriculum-related topics in more depth, and topics outside medicine including humanities and languages.

Although programmes vary between Medical Schools, the major aims and objectives remain broadly similar and in 2003, the GMC provided the following guidance as to what particular skills students should have the opportunity to develop.

  • Learn about and begin to develop and use research skills.
  • Have greater control over their own learning and develop their self-directed learning skills.
  • Study, in depth, topics of particular interest outside the core curriculum.
  • Develop greater confidence in their own skills and abilities.
  • Present the results of their work verbally, visually or in writing.
  • Consider potential career paths.

Students should refer to their student year websites for specific SSC information pertaining to their year. 

2024-2025 SSC Supervisors Recruitment Leaflet

SSC Supervisors' Training Resource

SSC Guides, Exemplars & Supervisors Marking Schemes

2023-2024 SSC Typical Project Titles - an overview of the wide range of menu choices and self-proposed modules

Student’s Perspective of SSCs - Top Tips

SSC Prizes

Student Wellbeing Poster  - useful student resource to bring to the attention of supervisors

Student Selected Components Team:

SSC Director: Dr Joanne Burke -

SSC Administrator: