Graduates from the class of ’63 recently held a reunion at the Dental School to celebrate their Golden Anniversary.  As part of their tour of the new facilities they were re-enrolled in special classes for the day to experience how undergraduate dental teaching has advanced over 50 years.  First they went to the to experience Histology and Tooth Morphology teaching via our new Virtual Microscope and Tablet PCs.  They also experienced basic anatomy training using our active 3D projection suite.

Next Ivoclar Vivadent sponsored a session in the Pre-Clinical Skills Laboratory where the group could experience clinical skills teaching using state of the art dental and multimedia equipment.

Senior Clinical University Teacher Dr William McLean, who organized the activities for the Alumni, said “We generally have fond memories of our Alma Mater, but it is all too easy to lose touch due to our busy lives. It is shame that the relationship so often ends at, or soon after graduation. The School also has a great deal to gain from an active alumni group, but there is a genuine pride in the graduates that leave and an interest in their journey”

As part of an ongoing campaign to build stronger relationships with Alumni, the School will be sending out invitations shortly for an evening event to showcase its current research portfolio. This event will give alumni an opportunity to see how their Alma Mater is leading in the areas of Infection & Immunity and Community Oral Health.

If you are interested in learning more please read our in-house magazine the , or email

Group photo of class of 63 graduates on visit to alma mater

First published: 21 June 2013