Legal Challenges to Just Transitions Workshop: Summary Report

Published: 5 July 2023

The School of Law's 'Legal Challenges to Just Transitions' one-day event took place on 21 April 2023. The summary report has now been published and is available to read here.

The School of Law's 'Legal Challenges to Just Transitions' one-day event took place on 21 April 2023. The day focused on the following questions: 

1. Which legal principles, if any, have been referenced in Just Transitions frameworks to date? Are there differences in this respect between government sponsored frameworks and private-sector frameworks? 

2. How does implementation of Just Transitions frameworks impact on regulatory or policy frameworks in areas such as labour, health, housing, welfare, and corporate governance? 

3. How do Just Transitions frameworks approach the distributional effects of current law? Do they seek to change these embedded effects? To what extent do Just Transitions frameworks address uneven outcomes of sustainability policies? 

A report of the day has now been produced and is available to read at: Legal Challenges to Just Transitions summary report

The report includes a summary of the discussions from the workshop as well as a list of useful resources relating to Just Transitions. 

First published: 5 July 2023