School of Law EDI Committee


In 2023/24 the School of Law established its own EDI Committee with its remit being to take forward and develop the School’s new EDI framework which is intended to replace and supplement the Athena Swan framework.  

The Committee’s work covers the nine protected characteristics currently provided for by the Equality Act 2010 (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation) and also incorporates work on other grounds of inequality including contract status and socio-economic status. The framework is used to manage and advance equality, diversity and inclusion in staffing and student matters taking account of individual and group experiences across the teaching, research and administrative functions of the School.  

The EDI Committee manages and advances the framework by, among other things, developing School strategy on EDI matters, setting priorities and ensuring that planning and working practices are aligned with College and University processes wherever possible, and leading and overseeing associated work in the areas of staffing and student experience. Specific initiatives can be taken forward by smaller working groups with membership based on lived experience and relevant expertise wherever possible.   


The EDI Committee’s membership is comprised of academic and MPA colleagues. Current members are:

  • Felicity Belton 
  • Prof Nicole Busby (EDI Director, Chair) 
  • Dr Catriona Cannon (Deputy Chair)  
  • Sarah Dean 
  • Dr Lea Raible  
  • Prof Maria Fletcher 
  • Dr Michael Foran 
  • Prof Jacqui Kinghan 
  • Dr Joyman Lee  
  • Dr Rachel MacPherson 
  • Prof Claire McDiarmid (HoS)  
  • Dr Liv Naidoo 
  • Dr Ruth O’Donnell 
  • Dr Charlie Peevers 
  • Dr Rebecca Sutton 
  • Dr Rebecca Williams