Exciting news from the Blantyre Blantyre Research Facility as installation of the vinyl flooring is completed.Also the bespoke lab benching has been delivered directly to the facility, which is housed within the University of Malawi, College of Medicine.

Last month a consignment of microscopes donated to the new lab by University of Glasgow, Diploma in Tropical Hygiene course Director, Prof Mike Barrett was delivered, these will further enhance the setup of the DTMH course and associated lab-based training at College of Medicine. Further lab equipment (microfuges) and desktop computers are also on their way to the lab from University of Glasgow.

The goal of the lab is to be accredited to international standard and several state-of-the-art diagnostic analysis pieces of equipment have been ordered and will be delivered soon to this groundbreaking lab.

Prof Paul Garside, University of Glasgow, Dean of Global Engagement (Africa & Middle East) who leads the Blantyre Blantyre project said;

“Some good news in difficult times, flooring completed, and lab benching and furniture have now arrived for final fitting and finishing.The current COVID-19 crisis highlights how important it will be to have an internationally accredited laboratory at College of Medicine to support all kinds of testing and research into the conditions affecting Malawi in the future”

Prof. Paul Garside


Blantyre Blantyre Research facility


Blantyre Blantyre Research facility - vinyl flooring


Lab after image



First published: 28 April 2020