Understanding Young People’s Sexual Wellbeing

Patterns in how we think and feel about our sexuality and sex life can impact our mental health, sexual health, and overall wellbeing. Currently we lack information on how sexual wellbeing changes and develops in young people.

In this study, we will talk to 16- to 24-year-olds to understand how young people experience and make meaning out of their sexuality and sex life. Young people who take part in Natsal-4 (a British large-scale survey about sexual behaviour and health) will be invited to take part in this follow-on study.

This study uses various qualitative methods:

  • An initial interview: where participants will talk about how events in their life have shaped their sexuality and sex life.
  • A diary study: participants will be invited to keep a diary over six months. They will be asked to write about their thoughts and feelings about their sexuality and sex life in 5-10 diary entries.
  • A check-in interview (6+ months after the initial interview): participants will talk more about some of the things they’ve previously shared. They will share ideas about better ways to support young people’s sexual wellbeing.
  • A short wrap-up survey: participants will answer some questions on how they found taking part in the research.

Participants will be invited to take part in all stages of the project. Young people can choose to take part in one stage of the research or in several.

If you would like to know more about the study, feel free to email Raquel Bosó Pérez at r.boso-perez.1@research.gla.ac.uk or phone/text her on 07816 266 018. You can contact Raquel between 9:00-17:00 Monday to Friday. If she does not pick up your call, please leave a message and she will try to get back to you by the next working day.


Raquel Boso Perez

Kirstin Mitchell (Supervisor)

Ruth Lewis (Supervisor)


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