Published 15th November 2019

Children Create is a multidisciplinary project focused on translating physical activity related academic research into more practically relevant educational resources co-produced with Children and Young People. The aim of the project is to help schools become more active learning environments.

The project team presented Children Create at SPARC (Scottish Physical Activity Research Conference) in Edinburgh on 6 November 2019, where they officially launched their educational toolkit for teachers, 'Schools on the Move'. Dr Paul McCrorie, the Principal Investigator (PI) of the project, was awarded best oral presentation. Paul showed a short film that the team created about children's physical activity - watch below.

Children's physical activity levels - what's the problem?

Dr Paul McCrorie (PI) said:

“SPARC has now become the most significant opportunity to engage with physical activity professionals across multiple disciplines in Scotland, bringing together academics, practitioners, and policy-makers to exchange the latest evidence and hear from experts across the field. With the theme of this year’s conference being ‘communication’, we were provided the perfect occasion to promote the incredible work we have been doing as part of the Children Create project. Our engagement stall and oral presentation proved to be an incredible platform to launch our educational toolkit - ‘Schools on the Move’ – with our oral presentation culminating in the presentation of a poignant and heart-warming video introducing the importance of including children’s voices at the very heart of physical activity communication”.

The project team is currently developing a digital resource co-produced with children that aims to empower teachers with the knowledge and confidence to create more physically active learning environments and ensure children’s voices are heard.

Watch the video below for an overview and what’s next for the project.

Schools on the Move - overview

Children Create is a partnership between the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, Agile and their digital platform Actify, and the Children's Parliament. To find out more about Children Create, please contact Dr Paul McCrorie

First published: 15 November 2019

<< 2019