Participate in our research

People walking on a busy street in London

To carry out our world-changing research, we need individuals to provide information about their health and other factors that can affect their lives.

Many advances in population health in the United Kingdom and beyond would not have been possible without individuals volunteering their time to advance research. If you are considering participating in a study, this page will help you understand what is involved.

What is a research study?

Our research programmes use data collected through a number of participant studies. These studies help us to learn more about a specific problem or answer a particular question. The information collected varies from study to study – typically questions might focus on the participant’s health, background or education. Once this information has been collected, it is collated and analysed by researchers in order to extract interesting and useful insight - which in turn can have a big impact on policy and practice.

Why should I take part in a research study?

While sometimes there may not be a direct benefit to you, there are many good reasons to take part in a research study. By participating, you will:

  • Help researchers understand how a specific issue influences health and wellbeing
  • Provide invaluable information that can help others in the future
  • In some studies, you will be compensated for your time (normally by shopping voucher).

What happens to my data?

We are committed to conducting responsible research and maximising the use of publicly-funded data to improve health and wellbeing. We have developed a data sharing policy for all of our studies, with the aim of making data as widely and freely available as possible to researchers, while safeguarding the privacy of participants, protecting confidential data, and maintaining the reputation of the study. The criteria and process for accessing data varies according to each study, and further information can be obtained from the researcher conducting the study. You have the right to ask us for the data we hold about you.

To find out more about data protection and privacy, visit University of Glasgow’s pages for Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement.

Current opportunities

COMPASS (COMmunity Pharmacies And Scotland’s Sexual health)

We are currently looking for women aged 25+ to join the COMPASS project's Women’s Advisory Group. This is a great opportunity to be part of the conversation around how Sexual and Reproductive Health services are delivered in Scotland.

COMPASS considers the role of community pharmacies within the wider sexual health system. It brings together healthcare professionals and individuals with lived experiences to collaboratively assess how community pharmacies can be better utilised. The goal is to identify gaps and problems and co-create recommendations for a more equitable and effective delivery system. The project focuses on women's health, addressing issues such as access to contraception, some STI testing and treatment, menstrual health, menopause, and medical abortion through community pharmacies.

If you would like to know more or are interested in taking part, please visit the project webpage and email Kirsten Kernaghan.

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