In a combined research and teaching/professional services "5 minutes with...", find out what Mental Health and Wellbeing's Rona Strawbridge and IHW Admin's Rachel Allan, who share responsibility for chairing our Athena Swan mentorship group, enjoy about their roles and what makes them happy outside of work... 

Photo of Rachel Allan and Rona Strawbridge

Rona Strawbridge UKRI Innovation/Rutherford Fund Fellowship at HDR-UK (Mental Health & Wellbeing)

Photo of Rona Strawbridge in the countryside

Tell us a bit about what you do in IHW

I am a research fellow in the Behavioural Epidemiology and Genetics group, which means I plan and carry out a research programme using genetics try to understand why individuals with psychiatric conditions have an increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases. I also supervise student projects and do a small amount of teaching. In addition I am a co-chair of the Athena Swan Mentoring group, which aims to match mentors and mentees for career support and advice.

What do you enjoy about your role?

I love the variety of different things I do in a week, bouncing ideas around with colleagues and watching students develop during projects.

What are the challenges?

Always thinking about/trying to get funding!

What is the best thing about working in IHW?

It’s a friendly and welcoming department, with lots of support from amazing professional services staff!!

Tell us something we might not know about you

I was a Royal Naval Reserve and I’ve worked as a horse riding instructor.

When or where are you happiest?

Surrounded by greenery, either on a hill in the Highlands or in the garden of my partner's family home in France.

Do you have a favourite quote or saying, or mantra by which you try to live your life?

"Eat well, sleep well and everything will work out fine." (Words of wisdom from my PhD supervisor and fairy godmother.)

Rachel Allan Administrative Assistant (IHW Admin)

Photo of Rachel Allan in the highlands

Tell us a bit about what you do in IHW

I work within the IHW administrative team and my main focus is postgraduate student administration, which sees me involved in the entirety of the student journey from pre-application to viva time. I co-chair the IHW Athena Swan mentoring group with Rona and we facilitate the process of linking mentors and mentees for what we hope will be a valuable relationship for those involved.

What do you enjoy about your role?

The people! The people make it. IHW contains supportive, diverse, interesting characters.

Tell us something we might not know about you

I have just started studying history of art and classics.

When or where are you happiest?

Depends on the day! I source happiness from fresh air and nature, unwinding at home, music, movement, pasta, wine, having a good laugh with good people....and thankfully I could add to that list. 

Do you have a favourite quote or saying, or mantra by which you try to live your life?

"We go through life, we shed our skins, we become ourselves." That's a favourite Patti Smith line. 

If you would like to appear in "Five minutes with...", do please get in touch (! We aim to alternate professional services and research/teaching staff profiles, and feature colleagues from across a wide range of roles and grades within our institute. 

First published: 21 September 2020