Banner for professional services staff Yammer group

A Yammer group specifically for professional services staff in IHW is now up and running.

The aim is to encourage the sharing of ideas and good practice, and connect colleagues with similar roles across our 7 units who have much in common (and to learn from each other) but may meet face to face only very occasionally.

The tone is informal, with posts likely to include:

  • Software or online systems tips, tricks and workarounds
  • Recommendations for helpful courses and other career development opportunities that you think others might find useful
  • Work/life balance tips, stress management tips etc.
  • Off-topic posts - film, book or evening class recommendations, for example. (We want this to be a companionable and fun place to be as well as helping you with your work.)

If you are an MPA, technical and specialist, or operational staff member within IHW, please join us and help to make this a useful and enjoyable resource for yourself and your colleagues.

First published: 14 March 2018