In response to colleagues' reflections on the experience of meeting, relating, and collaborating online, and the issues that can arise, IHW has compiled a set of tips and resources for students and staff. These are intended to ensure that we get maximum value from these meetings, while being inclusive and reducing "Zoom fatigue" and "Zoom anxiety". 

Header of IHW online meeting guidance docAreas covered include: 

  • Planning and setting up meetings, including keeping them no longer than necessary and ring-fencing some meeting-free time in your diary. 
  • Making the most of online meetings, including options for using (or not using) your camera, and managing meetings involving larger numbers of colleagues to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute. 
  • Inclusivity e.g.
    • awareness of accessibility issues for participants with speech, hearing, visual or cognitive difficulties
    • accommodating the inevitable interruptions from family members, pets etc
    • awareness of the potential for unconscious bias arising from assumptions about people's appearance, home environment, personal belongings etc.
  • Using Zoom and similar tools for social events

Read the full guidance

If there are other aspects of using online meeting/collaboration tools not covered in this guidance document, or ways it could be improved, do get in touch. 

First published: 2 May 2018