The NRS Primary Care Network (formerly SPCRN) is writing to researchers who may be interested in using its services to facilitate their research. This applies to any researcher who wishes to recruit participants through a primary care setting.

Network staff identify eligible patients from the GP/dental practice databases, send out study information and invite them to contact the research team directly if they are interested in taking part.

What is the NRS Primary Care Network?

The network is funded by the Chief Scientist Office to facilitate research in primary care. We will:

  • Ask GP or dental practices to let us identify eligible patients from their practice databases (based on the study inclusion/exclusion criteria)
  • Send out study information and ask patients to respond to the researchers if interested in taking part
  • Collect small amounts of anonymised data (if required)
  • Pay practices for time spent checking lists and answering patient queries

Researchers who are considering recruiting participants through primary care (regardless of whether the study originates in primary/secondary care or other research areas) can apply for network support for both commercial and non-commercial studies.

Why would I recruit in primary care?

We are finding that increasingly, patients who might previously have been seen in secondary care or specialist services are now being managed by their GP for longer.  This is having an effect on recruitment to research studies as eligible patients are not always coming through the clinics. NRS Primary Care Network are involved in many studies, recruiting patients (often at earlier stages of a condition) via primary care.

When should I contact the NRS Primary Care Network?

We welcome enquiries from researchers at any stage of their research but where possible, please get in touch early so that we can discuss any costs and how to optimise your study documentation for the primary care setting prior to applying for funding and ethical permissions.

What sort of studies does the network support?

NRS Primary Care Network supports a huge variety of studies related to both mental and physical health and wellbeing. The more clinically relevant the question being asked, the more likely practices / professionals are to participate.

If you would like to discuss an ongoing or proposed study, please get in touch with Yvonne or Tracy.
Yvonne McIlvenna and Tracy Ibbotson
NRS Primary Care Network
University of Glasgow
1 Horselethill Road
Glasgow G12 9LX
Tel: 0141 330 5536 |

First published: 19 February 2019