Another successful IHW Research Away Day took place on 18 February 2020 at the Glasgow Hilton Grosvenor.

Cindy Gray presenting at research awayday 2020The day began with discussion of Athena Swan led by AS champion Prof Cindy Gray (right), focussing on equality and diversity, and ended with ‘How to survive (and even enjoy) an academic career’ – a Q&A session for PGR students and ECRs to ask some senior academics about their highs and lows.

Research awayday 2020In between we had interesting talks on new and ongoing research, staff engagement, a session on IHW's Response to the Climate Emergency, and another fantastic 3 Minute Thesis competition, the winners of which (pictured left to right) were as follows:

  • Abby Fraser "More than just a certain age: cultural and ecological determinants of menopause experience"
  • Nicola McGuire "Advancing the application of treatments for negative symptoms in psychosis"
  • Xingxing Zhu "Understanding anhedonia: What happens in the brain?"

Research awayday 2020Winner of ‘Best Poster’ was Judith Brown (right), with co-authors Dawn Haughton and Judith Mabelis (left and centre), with “SHINE: Supporting schools health improvement through data-led systems level change”.

Of those who completed the evaluation questionnaire, 86% found the day useful or very useful. Please continue to pass on your feedback so that next year’s away day can be even better!

Thanks again to everyone who helped to make this event a success.

First published: 14 March 2018