Links to external information

External Organisations

Age Scotland is the leading charity representing older people in Scotland and supporting their rights and interests.

The Centre for Ageing Better is a UK based charity funded by the National Lottery to create change in policy and practice for older people in England. 

Frame Works - collection of articles, reports and toolkits around reframing ageism. 

United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing has created The Platform to share information and resources around healthy ageing. 

No Desire to Retire - supporting those over 50 to stay in work. 

McMaster Institute for Research on Ageing cross disciplinary research institute based in Canada. 

Information and dates of Menopause Cafés and other menopause related events.

Timewise - UK based organisation providing information and support around flexible working.   

Agediversity - the Centre for Research into the Older Workforce. 

Equality and Human Rights commission on Equalities Act Age discrimination. 

Old School - anti ageism website and resources.  

Try out the UK government's mid-life MOT - take control of your future now

Some selected further reading 

Centre for Ageing Better - Age Friendly Employer Guide

Ashton Applewhite ‘This Chair Rocks; a Manifesto Against Ageism 

Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100 by Marta Zaraska 

The New Long Life: a Framework for flourishing in a Changing World by Andrew J Scott & Lynda Gratton  


Ted Talk – Ashton Applewhite Let’s End Ageism 

NBC News – Ashton Applewhite – Ageism isn’t a curse. But ageism is a serious global problem