Resources for Line Managers

Image of 2 people with a jigsaw puzzle shape behind them

Supporting career journeys

Career progression

The Prince's Responsible Business Network has a selection of online toolkits that provide a useful starting place for approaching mid-life careers: 

Supporting carers

picture of two figures walking with their shadows

The University recognises that beyond the workplace employees have to manage demands related to caring and there are policies in place to ensure that employees can be supported with their caring responsibilities where possible. As a line manager you should familiarise yourself with these policies

Business in the Community also has a useful toolkit - Supporting Carers in the Workplace - with information about supporting carers during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Supporting towards retirement

picture of child sitting on the shoulders of a grand parent

Glasgow University periodically offers a series of pension and financial workshops (hosted by Tilney Financial Planning)

The University of Sheffield has a comprehensive Planning for Retirement Toolkit; Management Toolkit which has useful information for both line mangers and employees. 

Case studies

Image design with hearts

Health - Case Studies 

Pensions and Retirement - Case Studies

Career Development - Case Studies