Athena Swan in SHW

Multisource feedback: rater information

Please rate the reviewee against each of the seven domains.

Photo of person sitting at laptop diversity

Each domain contains examples of positive leadership behaviours or characteristics. You should indicate to what extent you agree these are true of the reviewee. If you do not feel you have had any opportunity to observe a particular behaviour/characteristic, you can select ‘Unable to Rate’. The questions are listed below, in case you want to reflect on them before completing the feedback tool.

We also ask you to enter open-ended comments for each domain, to highlight strengths and suggest potential areas for future development. Please provide constructive and specific comments that will facilitate beneficial reflections and discussions when the reviewee receives their report. For example, a comment such as ‘Doesn’t bother to meet with team members’ could be better worded as ‘Could schedule and prioritise more regular catch-ups with team members’.

You will not see the reviewee’s self-ratings or ratings provided by other respondents. Your ratings will be aggregated with those of the other respondents in the feedback report that the reviewee receives. Open-ended comments will be collated in random order. The report will only be generated if there are at least six respondents. Neither the reviewee nor anyone else involved in the process will be able to connect your ratings or comments to you individually. The reviewee will be able to see if you took part but they will not see your individual responses.

This is a formative activity that is intended to facilitate the reviewee’s leadership development in a supportive, constructive and reflective way. As this is personal to the reviewee, raters will not receive any outputs from the review. The feedback report will not be used for performance evaluation, and this process is not a forum for raising complaints. If you have any concerns about negative behaviour, please consider raising those via the appropriate channels:

Dignity at Work and Study Guidance and Support 

Respect Advisers Network 

The following questions are included in the tool. Each one has a multiple choice response: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree, Unable to Rate. Each item is also followed by open-text questions regarding the reviewee’s strengths and areas for development.

Collaboration and Collegiality: Values other people’s contributions, celebrates achievements and gives credit where it is due, works towards shared goals, and considers multiple perspectives when making decisions

Communication: Provides regular opportunities for contact, ensures that agreed decisions/actions are unambiguous, responds in a timely way, and ensures that others have the opportunity to be heard

Dignity, Respect and Wellbeing: Values diversity, always treats others with respect, recognises the effect of their own behaviour on others, considers other people’s wellbeing and tries not to pass on stress to others

Workload: Ensures requests and deadlines are reasonable in the context of other people’s workload and individual circumstances, and shows consideration for work/life balance

Integrity and Responsibility: Deals with problems constructively, follows through on actions/commitments, is honest and transparent, and adheres to relevant institutional guidance and policies

Supporting the Development of Others: Supports and advocates for others by encouraging/facilitating training and development opportunities, giving clear feedback about strengths and development needs, and empowering others to progress

Overall: Contributes to a positive workplace culture