First Grant Success for Electronics & Nanoscale Engineering Researchers

Published: 29 November 2016

29th November 2016 - Dr Martin Lavery, Dr Vihar Georgiev and Dr Matteo Clerici secure First Grants

Three recently-appointed researchers in the Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering Division in the School of Engineering have won First Grants from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The highly competitive First Grant scheme is targeted at early career researchers across the UK, providing funds for up to two years to establish an independent research activity. At the most recent EPSRC panel Professor Matteo Clerici has received funding to study quantum enhanced terahertz imaging and Dr Vihar Georgiev is supported to carry out computer modelling of next generation quantum nanodevices. They join Dr Martin Lavery who earlier this year was awarded his First Grant on maximizing data rates in last mile optical communications. The Head of College of Science and Engineering Professor Muffy Calder says, ‘I congratulate Matteo, Vihar and Martin on their tremendous success. This demonstrates that the School of Engineering is consolidating its position at the absolute forefront of applied research and fostering the next generation of research leaders.’

First published: 29 November 2016