TILE-TEC Conference 2024

2nd UK-China Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technology (TILE-TEC) Conference

Glasgow College, UESTC (Chengdu) New Building

17 May 2024

Time: 13:00 – 18:30 CST (06:00 - 11:30 BST)

Venue: Room B132. Glasgow College UESTC, 2006 Xiyuan Avenue, West High-Tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan

Hosts: This conference is jointly organised by the University of Glasgow (UofG) and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) and will be an in-person event with some online elements. The conference program will be available later.


This conference aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers, students, technologists and professionals from the educational sector and industry from the UK and China to come together to share their research findings and knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies and innovations in educational technology.


Educational technology is revolutionising higher education by harnessing digital tools and platforms to enhance teaching and learning experiences. This innovative approach transcends borders, giving rise to transnational education, which enables students to access educational opportunities beyond their home countries. However, this global expansion also presents challenges, including adapting curricula to different cultural contexts, ensuring equitable access to technology, and addressing language barriers. This forum aspires to showcase the difficulties and prospects presented by technologies in transnational education. It intends to recognise and examine appropriate teaching methods in the realm of technology utilisation while also pursuing evidence-based practices.

Themes and Topics

We are pleased to invite you to submit proposals for oral presentations, posters, workshops, and panel discussions related to any aspect of learning and teaching, including but not limited to:

  • Innovative Teaching Methods and Technologies
  • Student Engagement and Participation Strategies
  • Authentic Assessments and Feedback
  • Enterprise, Employability and Professional Development

Abstract Submission and Deadline

We invite submissions for presentations (in person or online) in one of the following formats:

Oral Presentation: 15 mins presentation plus 5 mins Q&A

Poster: display/present during designated sessions

Workshop: designed activity - 30-50 mins duration

Panel Discussion: themed discussion - 30-50 mins duration.

Presentations should be related to any aspect of learning and teaching, including but not limited to the themes and topics of the conference noted above.  

All proposals for consideration should be in the form of abstracts and will be reviewed by the conference program committee. Those which are selected for presentation at the conference will be published as conference proceedings and will be made available online. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (references do not count towards this limit) and should clearly state the purpose, methods, and results of the research or practice described.

They should be submitted via the form linked to below by 07 May 2024 at the latest.

Enquiries regarding abstract submissions to the Executive Chair – Dr. Wasim Ahmad, University of Glasgow UK via email.

Abstract Submission Form is no longer active. 

Please email to Wasim Ahmad wasim.ahmad@glasgow.ac.uk if you have any questions about an Abstract. 


Guests and presenters should fill in the registration form to allow us to plan the event accordingly. 

The conference program with the full schedule will be available in due course and will be emailed to all who have registered.

We invite you to be our guest for a special group dinner after the conference. Tell us on the registration form if you would like to attend and if you would like to make use of complimentary transport from the conference to the dinner, and about any dietary requirements.

Dinner time: 19:00

Dinner location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Chengdu West, No.1, Xi Xin Avenue, West Hi-Tech Development Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611731, P.R. China

Registation is now closed!       

If you have changed your plans, please email Sandra Hynes, 


Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Prof Muhammad Ali Imran - University of Glasgow, UK

Prof Ce Zhu - University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Executive Chair

Dr Wasim Ahmad - University of Glasgow, UK


Prof David Young - University of Glasgow, UK

Prof Shizhong Xu - University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China