Modern English Language Research Review 2010-11

Jamal Ardehali developed a new course on Advanced English Grammar. Cathy Emmott completed her co-authored book for the AHRC-funded STACS project, to be published by Cambridge University Press in 2012, working closely with colleagues in Psychology.  Plenary lectures this year included addresses in Lublin and Genoa.   Rachel Smith completed her ESRC-funded (£166k) project, Timing in Accents of English.  She secured funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh for an international workshop series, Rhythms in Scotland, which incorporates a Knowledge Exchange Day for Scottish students of speech therapy and phonetics.  With Jane Stuart-Smith (PI), she won a First Step Award to collaborate with IT start-up Microphonics, whose product is an online phonics and pronunciation tool, and she is working with Psychology on a project on synaesthesia.  Jennifer Smith was appointed co-ordinator for the ESRC-sponsored Linguistics pathway Social and Applied Investigations in Language (SAIL), involving postgraduate training in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, and ran a highly successful international Sociolinguistics summer school.  She led the development of international links with Kyoto University, and led (in collaboration with other UK universities) a French government-funded project on Construction des Connaissances Langagières, Diversité des Usages, Contextes SociolinguistiquesJane Stuart-Smith was awarded major grants by the Leverhulme Trust (£236k: Fine phonetic variation and sound change: A real-time study of Glaswegian), and the Carnegie Trust (£38k: An online Ultrasound Tongue Imaging resource for Phonetics, Linguistics, and Speech Therapy teaching at Scottish Universities), and is a co-investigator on several ESRC-funded projects; her phonetics research connects with congruent projects in Psychology and in Celtic and Gaelic.  Significant lectures in 2010-2011 included an address to the Sculoa Normale Superiore, Pisa, and she was invited to take part in the Fellowship Program for Research in Japan in late 2011, entailing an extensive lecture-tour and discussions about research collaboration. She has also successfully bid for the School to host the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Science in 2015, with an estimated 1000 delegates.