Our Space, Our Place

Our Space, Our Place: Creating Ecofeminism 

Glasgow Women’s Library 
Saturday 30th March 2019 10am-4pm

Global ecological activism is built on the work of women. Yet the value of women’s environmental campaigning and action often remains invisible.

Our Space, Our Place: Creating Ecofeminism, a partnership between researchers at universities across Scotland and Glasgow Women’s Library, calls together ecofeminist academics, environmental campaigners, writers, artists, community workers and performers for a day of papers, performances and workshops, exploring how ecofeminist theory and practice can unite to imagine and realise optimistic responses to our changing world.

Our aim is to share and discuss the diverse and daring work being done by women around environmental themes, including academic research, creative explorations and in participation with communities.

For more information and our call for contributions see:

Deadline for proposals 25th January 2019.

Contact us with any queries: creatingecofeminism@gmail.com  

The event will be free to attend, women only*, and refreshments and a vegan lunch will be provided. The venue is wheelchair accessible and a hearing loop is available. Our Space, Our Place: Creating Ecofeminism is generously funded by the University of Glasgow College of Arts.

*Women only events at Glasgow Women’s Library are inclusive of trans and intersex women, as well as non-binary and gender fluid people. 

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First published: 11 January 2019