

This event is a collaboration between the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum (NTS) and the Centre for Robert Burns Studies (University of Glasgow).

09:30 – Tea & Coffee
Morning Session – Chair: Pauline Mackay

10:00: Welcome

10:05:  Robert Burns, Scotland and the Soviet Union: Scottish national identity during the Cold War (1941-1959) – Paul Malgrati

10:30:  ‘Hotaru no Hikari (Light of the Fireflies)’: the Japanese uses and the reception history of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ – Thomas Cressy

10:50: Naething Could Resist My Nancy! – Maureen Bell
11:10: Tea & Coffee
11:30:  The Lancashire Burns: Edwin Waugh, Broadside ballads and Lancashire Dialect in the 19th century – Jennifer Reid

11:50:  James Beattie and Robert Burns: an unlikely pair? – Ian Robertson

12:10: Question Panel
12:30: Lunch
Afternoon Session – Chair: Rhona Brown

13:30: Musical Performance – Emily Smith

14:00: The Burns Scotland Lecture – Robert Burns: Iconics and Comics – Prof. Laurence Grove
14:30: Tea & Coffee
14:45: Some New Facts about Robert Burns – Prof. Patrick Scott

15:15: Question Panel

15:30: Close


First published: 20 November 2018