Local information

Our Research Students Committee (RSC) is responsible for looking after research students (PhD and Masters) in the School.

The RSC currently has the following members:

  • The Research Student Guide Oct 22 is the main resource for students in the School. It contains details about monitoring, progress vivas and reporting. It should be read carefully when commencing the project to make sure that the student is familiar with the policies and expectations at the School of Computing Science. The student is also required to read the PGR Code of Practice (including the chapter on "Roles and Responsibilities").

You are encouraged to contact a member of the RSC if you have concerns about any aspect of your degree programme or your progress in general via socs-rsc@glasgow.ac.uk.

Conversations with a member of the RSC are treated private and confidential, and your concerns and suggestions will only be shared with others with your permission. If you are unsure about the remit of the RSC and whether we might be able to assist you, we recommend that you contact the student representative, for initial advice.

You can also find useful information at the College of Science and Engineering Graduate School web pages.

PhD mental health support group

Have you found yourself becoming tired, lonely, or stressed?  Have issues built up in your personal life that you'd like support with?

Research can be mentally and emotionally taxing work, and it's important to take the time you need to maintain your wellbeing.  Even when work is going well, life outside the office has its own impact, and having a supportive community in difficult times can make a world of difference!

To help grow this community, PhD students in the School of Computing Science are running a mental health support group.  Every Monday at 16:00, and Thursday at 11:00, PhD students from the School trained in mental health first aid will be running sessions where we can listen to and support each other in our work and personal lives.

The meetings will mostly take place in SAWB 404. The people running the sessions, as well as any potential room changes, are emailed every week.

We hope that you'll join and help to grow a caring and compassionate community! 


To make sure that we foster a healthy supportive community, we ask everybody who attends to follow the policies below:

  • Be non-judgemental and respectful,
  • Keep everything discussed confidential,
  • Mobile phones or any other recording devices are not permitted within group sessions,
  • Nobody has to share anything that they do not wish to,
  • Late-comers are welcome but please be respectful and quiet when entering a session already in progress,
  • Food is not permitted during sessions but drinks are OK.

Get in touch

If you are unable to make the regular session times please feel free to get in touch directly with one of the team.  socs-rsc@glasgow.ac.uk


Frequently Asked Questions


  • Why do we have progression meetings? AnswerWe have internal progression meetings for the purposes of:
    • Giving guidance to students on their current rate of progress towards a higher degree.
    • Giving guidance to students on the actions they should take in the following year to improve their chances of eventual success.
    • Providing us with an opportunity to terminate a student’s studies if their progress to date is not satisfactory. That is if we do not think that they will both submit a thesis and pass their defense of that thesis in front of a final examination panel.
    • The formalities should still be observed even for strong students.
    • For weaker students, the Vivas play a critical role. If the student is weak but considered able to proceed then the Viva forms put on record the advice given, and hopefully, redirect the student's effort in a more productive fashion. If the student is judged too weak, it is better both for the student and the faculty that they are failed at their first-year viva. The student does not waste time and money, the faculty does not waste staff effort, and the completion rate figures are not damaged.
  • When is my next progression meeting? Answer: See the Research Student Guide. You will be contacted by the RSC administration and a convener at least two weeks before the meeting.
  • Who is part of the review committee? Answer: Panels will have a convenor from the RSC (first year only) and two academics from the school. The main supervisor cannot take part of the viva.  Second supervisors can be one of the academics as long as they are not involved in day-to-day supervision.
  • What is the format of the progression meeting? Answer: Meetings typically take place over Zoom, the student gives a short presentation of his/her research and plans (approx. 10 min) followed by a discussion between the committee members and the student. Taking into account the discussion and annual review forms, the committee then makes a joint decision whether the student can proceed with his/her studies. The decision and recommendations are presented to the student and forwarded to the graduate school.
  • How long should a progression report be? Answer: Maximum 15 pages (see Research Student Guide)



  • How do I apply for Travel Support when attending a conference? Answer: The RSC holds a travel budget for research students to attend conferences, workshops, tutorial, and summer school.  To apply for these funds complete the Travel Support Form (pdf) and forward to Fani Deligianni. Requests providing insufficient information will not be processed.


RSC budget to fund research-related expenses:

  • The RSC budget is available for research-related expenses for research students only.
  • RSC will manage requests, and will set aside 10% of the annual RSC budget for research-related expenses that do not include travel.
  • The default sources of funding are via the supervisor (grant, discretionary funds etc.), or student (funder etc.).  RSC will only consider requests where none of these is possible.
  • Eligible requests will be dealt with on a first-come first-served basis, with the exception of requests above £500, for which additional justification will be sought and first-come first-served may not necessarily apply in this case.
  • The maximum amount per student for research-related expenses (excluding travel) is £750 per annum, and £2000 over the entire duration of the student’s degree programme (these are maximum amounts and we do not have sufficient funds to grant every research student this).


Forms and Links


Research Student Guide Oct 22

UofG PGR Code of Practice

Ethics Procedures

Absence from the University & Extension:

Please submit all leave requests at least 4 weeks in advance, retrospective leave requests will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

  • Application for Approved Leave of Absence (1-4 weeks e.g. annual leave)
  • Application for Approved Leave of Absence (5 weeks or more e.g. medical leave, internship)
  • Leave for an internship:  A one page document is required from the student as to why the internship will be of value, the intended outcomes and why it will benefit your PhD. This must be submitted along with an application for approved leave of absence form. 


Annual Progression:


Supplementary progress forms/links:


Visa/CAS Extensions:

There are a variety of resources to help you with your application for a Tier 4 visa extension.

While we can offer assistance and support with the preparation of your visa application, it's your responsibility to submit any application to the appropriate authority.

Applying For A Visa Extension While In The UK:

  • Fill out the CAS Extension Application form approximately four months in advance of the expiry date of your current visa.
  • Submit the CAS Extension Application form to the Graduate School office for approval.
  • You must email your current passport and visa and any previous passport (if it includes your current visa) when you submit your application.
  • The Graduate School will confirm your study details with the Admissions Team (External Relations) who issue the CAS.

Applying For A Visa Extension Outside Of The UK:

  • Please inform the Graduate School of the exact date of when you intend to return the UK.
  • The Graduate School approves the application.
  • The application is then sent to the PGR Admissions Team, based within External Relations, for processing.
  • The Admissions Team will then contact you and email a draft CAS form for you to review.

More information about CAS applications and visas cans be found on the International student support & visas webpage.


Travel / Expenses: 

If you have been unsuccessful in securing funding from alternative sources, then PGR students can apply for financial support from the RSC.  Please apply for funding within the first 2 weeks of receiving your conference/paper acceptance.

  1. Please complete a Travel Support Form.
  2. If accepted, book travel using via the University Travel Policy
  3. Complete a Student Expense Claim Form to get the agreed costs reimbursed.

Expense claims must be made within three months of the expense being incurred.  Expense claims out-with the time limit will be rejected.

Please read the student expenses completing guide/policy for further information.

If you have any questions regarding travel and expenses relating to the RSC budget, then please contact Fani Deligianni.



Important information: Short term extension requests (less than 3 months) without compelling evidence of adverse personal circumstances in the thesis pending period will be rejected. Adverse personal circumstances include:

  • Ill health (accompanied by medical certification);
  • Death of a person with whom a close relationship can be demonstrated (e.g., immediate family member; spouse);
  • Dramatic change in circumstances (e.g., homelessness).

All students who request an extension not supported by significant adverse circumstances will be subject to a late submission fee.