SCMH Students on being awarded a Degree of PHD

Published: 16 November 2018

Congratulations to SCMH students for being awarded for their achievements

Dr Jack Beazer

Dr Jack Beazer - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the thesis entitled ‘Insulin resistance and the ability of high-density lipoprotein to provide vascular protection’.

Dr Philipp Boder

Dr Philipp Boder - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (by Alternative Format) for the thesis entitled ‘Characterising the mechanisms of uromodulin secretion and trafficking with salt loading from the thick ascending limb in hypertension’.

Dr David McMahon

Dr David McMahon - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the thesis entitled ‘Acute assessments in stroke care: clinical guidance on cognitive testing, patients’ perceptions, and accuracy of diagnostic scoring systems’.

Saad Wali

Dr Saad Mohammednoor M Wali - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the thesis entitled ‘Role of Connexin 43 in the Function of Systemic and Pulmonary Blood Vessels’.

Jen AlexanderJen Alexander

Dr Jen Alexander - Awarded the degree of degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the thesis entitled ‘SaeboGlove therapy for Upper limb disability and Severe Hand Impairment after stroke’.

Dr Ahmad Mohammed A Alhajoj

Dr Ahmad Mohammed A Alhajoj - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the thesis entitled Assessing adenoviral delivery of prolylcarboxypeptidase and extracellular vesicle-mediated delivery of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 as therapies in hypertensive heart disease.

Morgan Wright

Morgan Wright - Awarded the degree of MSc by Research for the thesis entitled An investigation of internal and external load-monitoring in soccer goalkeepers

Arun Flynn

Dr Arun Flynn - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the thesis entitled Investigating the roles of the ADMA-DDAH1 pathway in cerebral artery function and ischaemic stroke pathogenesis.

Philip Moseki

Dr Philip Moseki - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for the thesis entitled Investigating the effect of low dietary iodine on cardiovascular disease parameters, gene expression and thyroid function in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.

Dr Cara Trivett - Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosphy for the thesis entitled Identifying Early Genetic Determinants of Adverse Cardiac Remodelling in Complex Genetic Models of Human Cardiovascular Disease

These awards stand alone proudly witnessing our students hard work and dedication. We congratulate you all on your success and extend our best wishes for your future career.

First published: 16 November 2018

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