Double Success for Touyz lab at the American Heart Association (AHA) Council on Hypertension annual conference 2021

Image of Jitthin & Guto

We are delighted to announce that lately at the AHA Hypertension Scientific sessions 2021, our very own Dr Augusto Montezano (Guto) and his PhD student Jithin Kuriakose were awarded the Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award. This award recognizes authors that contributed to the highest-ranked accepted abstract from the United Kingdom.

Guto won the award for his abstract titled “SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 induces vascular inflammatory responses in human microvascular endothelial cells independently of viral replication”, whilst Jithin won the award for his abstract titled “Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the Vascular Protective Effects of Mas1:ETBR Interaction”. On receiving the award, both Guto and Jithin thanked their co-authors for a superb collaborative effort. Jithin also thanked his supervisors Prof Rhian Touyz, Prof George Baillie and Dr Rheure Lopes for their continued guidance and support during his PhD project and expressed his special joy to receive his first scientific conference award alongside his mentor Guto.

Guto Added:

“This award is extra special to me because it is the product of a true collaborative effort between many Early Career Researchers and our mentors from SCMH and the CVR. This ISSF funded COVID research describes the mechanisms how Sars-CoV-2 induces endothelial cell inflammation and helps to understand better how this disease is affecting many suffering from CVD.”

First published: 1 November 2021